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  1. obarrera

    What do I need for a nudibranch?

    Is there any cucumbers that have a nice color kind of like a nudi? I also like some cowrie snails but don't know where to find them.
  2. obarrera

    What do I need for a nudibranch?

    Isn't there any intresting inverts that are compatible with fish and that can be in a tank?
  3. obarrera

    What do I need for a nudibranch?

    How bout the blue velvet?
  4. obarrera

    What do I need for a nudibranch?

    I wanted either a blue velvet nudibranch,or a purple nudibranch,the reason I want the blue velvet is because It's beautiful and also because it will help eat my flatworms.And the purple nudibranch I just wanted him cause he's cool looking.
  5. obarrera

    What do I need for a nudibranch?

  6. obarrera

    What do I need for a nudibranch?

    I saw some nudibranchs at a LFS and I thought they looked nice,I want to know if it's hard to have them and what I need to be able to get one.
  7. obarrera


    I get NSW for free here in san diego,I think it's the same water as catalina water.(pretty good water)
  8. obarrera

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    I knew it was gonna die.Like some people say,they need alot of lightning and a mature tank,and you didn't have any of those too right?
  9. obarrera

    Aquarium Background

    ok thanks,im probably going to get a light blue color.
  10. obarrera

    Aquarium Background

    What kind of paint do you guys use?
  11. obarrera

    Is it bad to brake........

    lol I was trying to brake it in a bucket with saltwater and I ended up braking the damn bucket,the floor got all wet.I think it's tonga branch live rock or something like that.
  12. obarrera

    Is it bad to brake........

    What is a good way to do it?
  13. obarrera

    Is it bad to brake........

    Is it bad to break live rock?
  14. obarrera

    New in SW. 55 Gal Setup ... help is needed

    Let me know if the anemone doesn't die.
  15. obarrera

    substrate issues!!

    You could use aragonite sand too.
  16. obarrera

    Maxi Jet Watts?

    Thanks for telling me about the the watts.I would definately get the 900.Not sure if im buying another one for back up since I don't mix my saltwater,I just switched to NSW(natural sea water).
  17. obarrera

    Cureing LR

    Any pics?
  18. obarrera

    Maxi Jet Watts?

    How many watts does a 1200 maxi jet ph use? I know is not much but I want to know.
  19. obarrera

    40 gal breeder tank WC's?

    Thanks for the info.