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  1. kdsealyon

    cloudy tank

    Okay, if they don't eat what I feed them tonight, I'll skip a couple of days and then feed them. Thank you all for your needed advice.
  2. kdsealyon

    Bought a frag from my LFS

    I was hoping I would get a surprise with the live rock I bought, but nothing there but some pink algae.. Oh well.
  3. kdsealyon

    cloudy tank

    I have some of those in the freezer. I'll go ahead and try again. I tried freeze dried and those things just floated even after soaking. ~grr~
  4. kdsealyon

    cloudy tank

    I love the idea, but agree with you. They need to eat other foods. I read that fish flakes contain phosphates which is why I am concerned. I fed them chopped up bloodworms several times, and they just ignored them lol. I'll try again. I was hoping you had a trick up your sleeve Pegasus...
  5. kdsealyon

    Bought a frag from my LFS

    How beautiful!
  6. kdsealyon

    Help dwarf seahorse stuck at birth

    Oh no. I hope the baby gets out okay.
  7. kdsealyon

    cloudy tank

    I know this is an old thread, but I have a question. My gobies see red flakes just fine, but anything else they miss. What should I do?
  8. kdsealyon

    My 20 gal close to finishing its cycle! YAY!

    My 20 gal close to finishing its cycle! YAY!
  9. kdsealyon

    Advise Please - Protein Skimmer

    How cute! That's adorable! What a character! I can see why you enjoy him so much,
  10. kdsealyon

    Advise Please - Protein Skimmer

    Lifespan? How cute! What a character!
  11. kdsealyon

    Advise Please - Protein Skimmer

    My finger got hugged by a sea urchin once. It was so cool! Do they get along with crabs and what is their bioload?
  12. kdsealyon

    Advise Please - Protein Skimmer

    They should be able to. I hope so anyway. Once my tank is cycled, I'll be putting my crab and goby in it and let it adjust to that bioload. After that, how often can I add to it?
  13. kdsealyon

    Advise Please - Protein Skimmer

    Yes, I'll let you know. It seems to have a high rating.
  14. kdsealyon

    Advise Please - Protein Skimmer

    Yes, it truly is, thanks to the Internet.
  15. kdsealyon

    Advise Please - Protein Skimmer

    I want some Zoanthids. I hope they carry them.
  16. kdsealyon

    Advise Please - Protein Skimmer

    My mother grew up in Waco.
  17. kdsealyon

    Advise Please - Protein Skimmer

    No. All we have is ***** and it is horrid. The livestock arrives at the store half dead. :( I don't know if they have corals. I have seen a lot of anemones. I don't want to get any of those. Corals sure are pretty though.
  18. kdsealyon

    Advise Please - Protein Skimmer

    I see you are from Texas. I grew up in Houston and Angleton, Texas.
  19. kdsealyon

    Advise Please - Protein Skimmer

    Yes, I am. North Pole, AK. I work in at the university in Fairbanks. :) I've lived here since 1983.
  20. kdsealyon

    Advise Please - Protein Skimmer

    Sweet! Thank you.