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  1. slothy

    It's a Zoo out there

  2. slothy

    It's a Zoo out there

  3. slothy

    It's a Zoo out there

    Pics of some of my zoo's #1
  4. slothy

    harlequin shrimp in a reef tank????

    i have one in my tank, doesnt bother my brittle.. i keep 4-5 lil CC stars in my tank.. for feeding, a 3" dia. CC star last about a 2 weeks.. so they are not $$ to feed.. just make sure u have a supply of them , if you dont want to run out every 2 weeks or so to get a star for its dinner. Very...
  5. slothy

    Chiller for 40 gal ?

    Originally posted by reef fool Hey Slothy, I have an Ice Probe mini chiller by Coolworks that I used on my 46 bow and it gave me a 5 degree pulldown(maybe a little more). I Highly recommend it. It was hotter than Saddam's living room here in NY last summer and it got me through it by...
  6. slothy

    good camera to use?

    i have a minolta f-100 that has awsome macro all the pics on are from that camera
  7. slothy

    switching 6500k Iwasakis to 10000k Ushios

    Originally posted by conundrum the higher the kelvin temp number, the more blue they will look. 20,000k look like UV (black) lights. I have VHO lights. 1-12,000k 1-10,000k 2-6,500k any higher and it looks too blue. 20k looks more like a white light with a defined blue tint to it.. no where...
  8. slothy

    Chiller for 40 gal ?

    Well with mh/vho and summer = hot tank.. anyone use the Teclima Micro Chiller ? or can recommend another brand... need about a 5 degree pull down (already have 2 fans)
  9. slothy

    New Hermit Pic

    krustys a PIMP !
  10. slothy

    camera help

    what OS are you using ? 95/98/2k/xp ? and are you sure those usb ports are active/working ?
  11. slothy

    Beth, Ophiura: Crinoid feather star

    Sad thing is though, someone else will kill it....
  12. slothy

    I just got a lettuce nudi

    what are ya planning on feeding it ? :cool:
  13. slothy

    just how safe is a spider decorator?

    here is apic of mine, he was doing great until i added some fox coral, then it all went down hill from there :( .. He started to eat it .. so he went byebye
  14. slothy

    best camera ????

    NIKON D100 :D
  15. slothy

    trying a pic

  16. slothy

    best camera ????

    Well how much are you looking to spend.. ?
  17. slothy

    Last nights pics..

    those look like red bull cans
  18. slothy

    "Chip" struting his stuff

    Originally posted by kgrimes Do you mean that you add the CC star simply to be a "feeder" for the shrimp? Hmmmmm.... never thought about that? Seems risky to me. What happens when it finally dies? Doesn't it screw up your water? Or do you pluck it out right away? Or am I missing the whole...
  19. slothy

    Fish For Sale in Michigan!!!!

    Originally posted by blueface How big is your tank??? I live in clinton twp & the tusk is about 3". Ot where in clinton twp u live ? im at 19 and garlield
  20. slothy

    "Chip" struting his stuff

    Originally posted by CheerFlip1 Excellent pic of the starfish, I wanted a chocolate chip starfish too but apparently they are not reef safe and eventually I do want to have a complete reef with corals and stuff on it. Excellent pics tho! ya chip (the shrimp) eats a star in about 2 weeks, he...