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  1. slothy

    What the most intriguing specimen youv ever added to your tank?

    Originally posted by BigMac by far its the tuxedo (sp?) urchin any probs with him chomping on corals ect ?
  2. slothy

    ophiura is a shark?!

    jwtrojan44 - how dare you talk about eating seafood on a board like this.. those could be someones pets your eating !! hehe
  3. slothy

    ophiura is a shark?!

    WOW.. congrats !!
  4. slothy

    What the most intriguing specimen youv ever added to your tank?

    "chip" my harq. shrimp
  5. slothy

    OT: Posts should come with warning lables

    note to self... dont piss ophiura off lol...
  6. slothy

    What the most intriguing specimen youv ever added to your tank?

    Originally posted by broncofish WOW, is that a garage door in the back ground? LOL .. kick his arse seabass !!!
  7. slothy

    help !

    Originally posted by Bang Guy Just for curiosity.... do you feed frozen brine shrimp? Do you rinse them before feeding to remove the preservatives (Nitrate). I didnt know that... learned something new today :D
  8. slothy

    Any DIYers wanna make a little money?

    look into PFO ballast.. you can get a 2x250 for 155.00.. email me for link (if intrested)
  9. slothy

    Very little corals on

    ive this noticed with some other online places.. alot of items (fish and corals) are outa stock.. so i assume its a seasonal thing.. not SWF
  10. slothy

    arrg mantis shrimp

    no they wont break the glass.. i have 2 in my reef and they are just diggers, and have a goby as a frend.. :) if your sure its a pistol i would keep it.. (but they do dig, so your DSB will not be at 100% when them in there)
  11. slothy

    A different blue leg (pic)

    neat.. what kind are they ?
  12. slothy

    scary - boo

    Originally posted by jwtrojan44 Outstanding picture! Damn near [hr] ! I like it! haha ummm [hr] eh ? something in your closet we should know about ? lol
  13. slothy

    6-Pak 3.

    Originally posted by SPSfreak100 Best for last...Metal Halides....800 glowing watts of pure 20k Radiums :D heheh wheres da bulbs :) nice pics for sure !!
  14. slothy

    scary - boo

    the mouth of my brittle.. sammy - until he moves i cant get your pics
  15. slothy

    SUNDAY 6-pack pt. 2

    ya john its a blastomussa, been trying to use my new nikon d-100, but still using my minolta f-100 point and shoot... the super close ups (mantis) is on my d-100
  16. slothy

    Long Tenticle anemone?

    there isnt really one.. they will go whereever they feel best suited
  17. slothy

    SUNDAY 6-pack pt. 2

    ya his in his own 6-gallon eclipse, hes about 6" long x 1 1/2" wide.. big fellow
  18. slothy

    Help me decide!

    what size tank ?
  19. slothy

    Adjusting Coral's Light Level

    u can just place it where you want it, and limit the amount of time the lights are on for a few days so it can adjust
  20. slothy

    let's see if this works

    i dont think yahoo lets u link externally