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  1. slothy

    anyone know ID ?

    i have quiet a few of these in the back corner of my tank..
  2. slothy

    fish with personality?

    my firefish is always out once the lights come on... might just need some time.
  3. slothy

    Rye and other photo guys..

    i just checked that manual for that, thats a very very basic camera.. no manual settings (or atleast that the manual showed)
  4. slothy

    Rye and other photo guys..

    what kinda camera ?
  5. slothy

    Mantis shrimp--I had no idea!

    a chunk of mysis
  6. slothy

    Mantis shrimp--I had no idea!

    some pics of my big daddy (6" long)
  7. slothy

    RYE BREAD! Need your help.. not emergency....

    are u prefocusing ? (pushing the shutter 1/2 way down) ?
  8. slothy

    500 gallon acrilic tank for sale

    hahahah 05-27-2002
  9. slothy

    staghorn crab

    sammystingray had one, hit him up
  10. slothy


    im not much a sps person , prob ask bigmac or rendos on those.. squamosa clam would do fine...
  11. slothy


    how old is the tank ? And as sammy said, 33% is alot for a tank that small... on my 6 gallon i do about 2 cup fulls a week..
  12. slothy

    I Got My Fishies Today!!

    ummm.. better keep a eye on that eel... once it gets a lil bigger, its gonna think your lil cute clowns are food and make sure your tank is sealed good.. snowflakes love to carpet surf
  13. slothy

    What the most intriguing specimen youv ever added to your tank?

    i paid $35 for it.. feeding it it easier IMO then most anything else, just toss a CC star in there and let it finish it.. cost me about 5-10 bucks a month to feed it
  14. slothy

    RYE BREAD! Need your help.. not emergency....

    shoot it on a slight angle ... from glare i assume i mean flash glare ?
  15. slothy

    MH questions.......

    Originally posted by RyeBread Plus the fact that the bulbs may not have any sort of UV protection = Dead Fish & Corals. To good to be true? You betcha. always wonder, what do the fish out in the sea use to protect them from uv light ?
  16. slothy

    Fish compatibility question

    how big is this tank ?
  17. slothy


    Originally posted by mlm These are some pics from my new tank. I am still having trouble getting the camera to focus correctly so please bear with it.l the trick to focus'n on somethign good and sharp, is to shoot the subject straight on.. not looking down ect.. like how your shot is..
  18. slothy

    too many tangs to shake a stick at

    Originally posted by RyeBread BTW- Slothy is afraid of everyone. ;) [/B] Only you when your chasing me around with your Little Sword fish out !! :p
  19. slothy

    What the most intriguing specimen youv ever added to your tank?

    ya i just toss a little choc. chip starfish in there ever 2-3 weeks... (or until it finishes it)
  20. slothy

    soutdown in toledo

    ya thats were we found it too.. dont let that site fool ya.. its outs the guys garage..