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  1. slothy

    Ocean 180 Reef Ready for Sale

    Finally giving up eh bro :( ?
  2. slothy

    Got some new LR today- Florida Aquacultured-Amazing!!!!

    Originally posted by PhoenixRising Hi Slothy--I live about 25 or 30 miles (or thereabouts) west of Cleveland not far south of the lake. I have a few mantis shrimp in my refugium, but no peacock mantis which I would love to have. It is a crying shame the one Sheree got was dead. What a bummer...
  3. slothy

    mh question

    yes i have 2 fans right now and keep my window open some.. i have the 250watt and 150 actinic vho.. i like the combo.. slight yellow tint but nothing ugly spring time im going to get a chiller for it...
  4. slothy

    Another Duster question...

    no its not, but if the duster died, then that could be where the ammonia rise is from (but seems alot for a lil worm in that short of a time)
  5. slothy

    mh question

    i have one 250watt in my 40 tall (30") and its looks fine.. there is alittle bit of darkness (still bright) on the ends, but gives me a spot to put my lesser light corals
  6. slothy

    Got some new LR today- Florida Aquacultured-Amazing!!!!

    Originally posted by PhoenixRising Too bad the peacock mantis was dead. :( I would have gladly taken him off your hands. They are really cool critters and interesting additions to your species specific tank or refugium. If you find any more, let me know! phoenix where are u in ohio ? i have...
  7. slothy

    Cup Coral Info

    Last night feeding my fish, i saw my cup coral suck down a few pieces of mysis... i was like whoa lol.. didnt know they they would eat anything like that but mine is up top too
  8. slothy

    New additions

    ummm a couple days, they have goten bigger since ive been feeding them silversides once a week (one silverside per yuma)
  9. slothy

    New additions

    cool i think that is a orange yuma (what bang guy called mine) and mine look like yours
  10. slothy

    Got some new LR today- Florida Aquacultured-Amazing!!!!

    looks like lil mantis.. (the top one looks like a peacock mantis)
  11. slothy

    I need a cup of live sand!!

    hit up bangguy, i bought some of his sand.... dont now if hes selling it still or not
  12. slothy

    Got some new LR today- Florida Aquacultured-Amazing!!!!

    Poor mantis's hhehee
  13. slothy

    How to order from SWF

    ya u might not wanna spend 75, but the shipping is usally 20 - 30 alone.. so spending 75 u get free shipping
  14. slothy

    two pics of two soft corals

    looks like a dragon wrasse
  15. slothy

    Shark-in-shark photo.........

    but u just took the credit of the photo off ?
  16. slothy

    site is to get batteries

    eh >?
  17. slothy

    yellow polyps/mushrooms

    i have yellow polyps, and beeing trying to feed them silversides every few days, and they have over a few weeks gotten bigger. i dont know about mushrooms, ive had some split in a few weeks, and a few that havent done anything
  18. slothy

    I need new lighting please help

    what are your plans on the corals wanna keep in the tank ?
  19. slothy

    Razor Blade

    ive been using a old kroger card and it works great..
  20. slothy

    6500k iwaski bulb

    i run a single 250 saki with 150 actinic vho, its has a slight yellowish look to it..