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  1. leopard_babe

    Yet another Live Rock question

    I ordered 50 lbs of rick from here and put it in my tank yesterday. I am cycling my tank this way. I brused off the styrofoam (i know i cant spell) and newspaper particles while the rock was in the box. I used a toothbrush. I then added the rock to my tank, and brushed it off a little more...
  2. leopard_babe

    72 Gallon Aquarium Leak - NEED HELP FAST

    I have had a bowfront and used tooth brushes, algea scrapers, and mag floats and never had a problem. (knock on wood)
  3. leopard_babe

    Please Help, need some advice about this skimmer.

    I don't know anything about remora. My skimmer is in my sump. If you can fit it in there you can put it there. It is a personal preference. Sometimes mine would bubble alot and over flow, instead of it getting everywhere from being on the back of my tank, it would just leak in my sump area...
  4. leopard_babe

    Grrr... new tank, new water

    I have a thread with pix. Called from start till... I live Downriver, Woodhaven at the moment. I usually go to tropicorium for live stuff, and Fish Doctor for quick dry goods. Those are the 2 closest 2 me. lol I saw that you lived in MI too!!
  5. leopard_babe

    From Start till.....

    Got my Tukani LR from I have 3 large pieces. They are very cool. However I remembered how much I hate aquascaping. Some of you crafty people should open a aquascaping business. Mine never looks the way I want to. However I was happy with the pieces and the shapes. Very cool. +1...
  6. leopard_babe

    Grrr... new tank, new water

    I added my liverock yesterday from SWF. I have 3 large beautiful pieces of rock. I never cycled any of my tanks that way so I was worried about the waer parameters harming the beneficial bacteria on the rock. I have a "glass floating hydrometer". I had to get some supplies from the lfs and...
  7. leopard_babe

    Chromis school?

    Maybe I will do 3. I love the color in the tank. An automatic feeder is on my list. With the 12 hour shifts I work. My fish used to have a goofy schedule. lol
  8. leopard_babe

    Wet dry with no bioballs

    That looks like a great set up. I would love to know how that works out for you!! I wish I could be crafty. I failed show in middle school. lo0l
  9. leopard_babe

    From Start till.....

    Ok first set back the heater broke. I guess it could be worse. So I went out and bought a new heater. Now I am waiting for fed ex to get here with my rock. I am so excited I can't wait. That is sad, when you are excited about getting a bunch of dirty rock. lol
  10. leopard_babe

    Wet dry with no bioballs

    thank you for that info!!! I think that I am definately going to try that. When I had plants in my old tank my water was beautiful!!!
  11. leopard_babe

    Grrr... new tank, new water

    Yeah getting back into the hobby was not as expensive as getting into it. Right now I am buying what I need to get started. lol i am using instant ocean. I will mix more and see what I can do. thanks
  12. leopard_babe

    Grrr... new tank, new water

    So I filled my new tank with r/o water with added satl/let the filters run. I tested the ph alk, and salinity (i am working on refractometer, one new investment at a time) here it goes ph 8.0 salinity 1.021 alk low So If I add more salty water to my tank and bring the salinity to 1.023, which...
  13. leopard_babe

    which cable network is the best?

    I tried calling the comcast to have my rate lowered from 210/mon when my promo ran out. I talked to a chick that was nasty. Bronco300 haha 3rd strike for michigan..and a ny fan on top of that Come on now, what's wrong with michigan besides that roads and the weather. lol I had...
  14. leopard_babe

    Anyone kept very delicate fish for a long time?

    My blue spotted ray was a great fish. I had him 9 months and then I had to move. So I sold him to my neighbor who had just set up a 400g. He is still there swimming happily there. That would make him about 2.5 years in captivity. I think the hardest part to a delicate fish getting it to...
  15. leopard_babe

    Chromis school?

    Thank you for all the input. I would love to do a little school. i don't think I will get the results that I want in my 46. It sounds like they need alot of room to have the schooling behavior. Thanks everybody!!!!
  16. leopard_babe

    which cable network is the best?

    I have att. All sports and movie channels and medium speed internet. 150/month. I am a yankees fan and live in michigan. I get almost all the games. lol. I don't want to hear about how bad they are.
  17. leopard_babe

    Update on my new Dragon

    Those things scare the crap out of me. lol. However they are cool, since beautiful would be a chick word. I always wanted one in my agressive, but could not justify putting something in my tank that I was afraid of. Check out those pearly whites!!!
  18. leopard_babe

    Chromis school?

    Good to know. The 2 I had were dumb, and nonagressive. However I had a damsel from hell. So I am a little concerned about adding them to my tank. I am working on a stock list. I love the idea of schooling fish. Thank you, lb
  19. leopard_babe

    Curing live rock

    Yes that does help. Thank you very much. I can't wait for my rock to get here tomorrow!!!
  20. leopard_babe

    Curing live rock

    So I think that I am a little confused. I put the rock in the tank. Run the filters and skimmers Scrape the rock off.... and it will start a cycle??? Will it cause a big enough ammonia spike to start the cycle?? I guess I am a person that really needs to understand things before I do them...