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  1. leopard_babe

    Chromis school?

    Thats great!! Thank you for sharing!! I know when I had them before I love the color they add to the tank.
  2. leopard_babe

    Chromis school?

    Picking a fish is like picking a spouse. HAHAHAHA. Angel fish- dwarf Green mandarin- after a year or 2 Neon goby Royal gamma Hawkfish Spotted puffer I have keep many fish in the past. I had an eibli angel before. She was mean. I have never keep any of the other fish before. I am still...
  3. leopard_babe

    my 60 gallon just getting going

    That looks great. How many chromis do you have??? Do they school?
  4. leopard_babe

    Chromis school?

    I don't believe everything that I read. lol i have seen on a few websites if kept in groups of 3 or more they will "school". However I have seen multiple chromis in a tank and they don't appear to have that schooling behavior. I forgot how hard it is to stock a tank. There is just so much out...
  5. leopard_babe

    Chromis school?

    So I am trying to put a list of fish together for when my tank is ready to go. I had green chromis before. How many do you need to have them school?? Got any pictures of schooling fish?? What are some other small schooling fish?
  6. leopard_babe

    From Start till.....

    The insides... Attachment 207923 Half full, about 20lbs of sand at this time. Waiting for my LR from SWF arriving tomorrow. I hope. Attachment 207924
  7. leopard_babe

    From Start till.....

    LOL. Its a bowfront, it measure 36 long. Its a great little tank.
  8. leopard_babe

    From Start till.....

    yes i know its sideways. lol
  9. leopard_babe

    From Start till.....

    Attachment 207910
  10. leopard_babe

    From Start till.....

    So I am trying to take pictures and post them. So more of less this is a practice thread for me. lol I started my tank over again. 46 bowfront Aquatic wet dry/Skimmer included Pc lights 10000k, aqutinics Thermometer via aqua 200w cap 1800 for return cap 1800 for skimmer 2 cap 200 in tank This...
  11. leopard_babe

    porckupine puffer

    I had a 2-3 inch p. puffer in my 46 bow as a qt while I cycled a 180 aggressive. He ate like a pig and grew VERY fast. After about a year he was about 5-6 inches and with my other fish and rock he hade my 180 look small. I ended selling him due to size and appetite. I guess you could do it...
  12. leopard_babe

    Wet dry with no bioballs

    yeah I have been doing alot of reading today and I don't want to put bioballs in there. I think I will try the lr thing. I don't know anything about Chaetomorph. I am guessing it is a plant? What kind of light?? If your tank is like that do you have a pix. I am just trying to get an idea...
  13. leopard_babe

    What to do first?

    pvc pipe, good idea! It is coming back to me now. Thanks. I am setting up my 46 bowfront. I have my house for sale so for now I am sticking with the FOWLR.
  14. leopard_babe

    What to do first?

    Thanks!! I think that is how I did it before. I just was trying to find the easiest way. lol Although I have learned that in this hobby, if it is easy, often times, You missed a step. lol
  15. leopard_babe

    What to do first?

    You know when you put your tank together and you are like "next time i am gonna do this first or this different". I have -sand 60lbs -lr 50lbs be here on weds - ro saltwater mixed about 48 hours ago how would you fill the tank? Sand and a little water first then rock?? Or sand and rock then...
  16. leopard_babe

    Wet dry with no bioballs

    Thank you that helps. I am starting from scratch and doing everything 100% the right way this time. I just bough 45 lbs of rock from yay!!!! I have to cycle my whole tank, so it will start off in a tank that is going through a cycle. Anyone else have pix of their sumps??
  17. leopard_babe

    Wet dry with no bioballs

    wouldn't that cause the liverock to recycle???
  18. leopard_babe

    Wet dry with no bioballs

    So I have been doing research all over again. Instead of bioballs in my wet dry filter what can I use?? In my wet dry where the bioballs are at Can I put liverock there instead?? Or is a wet dry made so that you can only have bioballs? Thank you!!!
  19. leopard_babe

    Live Rock for sale!!!

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