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  1. leopard_babe

    Dead.. live sand

    i iam completely setting my tank up again so that is perfect. wash it how?? just warm water
  2. leopard_babe

    Dead.. live sand

    So I don't want this to sound like a dumb question. I have sand that at one point was "live sand". it has been in a sealed container for about a year and a half. Can I add new live sand to it, or should I pitch it? I know that it is know longer alive, but I wondered if added new "live sand"...
  3. leopard_babe

    Curing live rock

    So I am going to cure my liverock that i have ordered from Yay!!! Since I have to cycle my tank anyways... Can I cure the rock in the tank?? When should I add the shrimp?? Its funny how fast you forget some of this stuff. lol
  4. leopard_babe shipping

    hmm... I have a crazy one year old, so I just thought if I couldn't get to the door would they leave a living animal in a box on the sun on my porch. I guess that answers my question. I'm gonna start with the live rock first. lol
  5. leopard_babe

    How many times have you been asked...

    I had a damsel that killed everything in my tank, I can totally relate!!! Thanks for the feedback. I had multiple tanks and moved and had to break all my tanks down. It has been about 2 years i have not had a tank and it is killing me. I want to put my 400 back up but that was a p.i.a. to...
  6. leopard_babe shipping

    I have never ordered from, but was curious about there shipping. I cannot find that information on the website. Could someone tell me if I buy rock, or sand how long does it take to ship?? If you buy fish how long does it take to get the fish?? Is it a UPS delivery?? Do you have to...
  7. leopard_babe

    How many times have you been asked...

    So, I have been gone awhile. Moved 2 times had a baby. Now it is that time that I want to set my tanks back up. I am only setting up my 46 bowfront. Since I have my house up for sale I dont want to set up any of my bigger tanks. So... If you could start from scratch knowing what you know...
  8. leopard_babe

    46 gallon bow

    i have a 46 gallon bow. i just bought my first house and am having a baby. i do not have the time right now to give the care and time to my fish tank that it needs. I have 46 gallon bowfront stand 2 pc lights 70lbs of live sand 50 ish lbs live rock wet dry filter several power heads make me an...
  9. leopard_babe

    common tang

    anybody ever keep a common tang. i am housing my friends in my tank, and was wondering a little about them. thanks!
  10. leopard_babe

    sand question

    thanks for your help. i ended up taking about 1/3 out and put it in a bucket. i left the rest in the tank. moving a tank is a huge pain in the butt. i am writing a book on how not to move your tank. haha now i just need to put my fish in it.
  11. leopard_babe

    sand question

    i have a tank that is 2 years established. excellent water conditions. i am rready to move it the water is mostly out. however my substrate, which is indo-live snad is in the tank. can i take the sand out of the tank? i currently have the fish out of the tank. so if my tank recycles it...
  12. leopard_babe

    i am moving

    i believe i now have it under control. now i just have to find someone strong enough to help me lift my tank. obviously i am not going to be able to lift it on my own.
  13. leopard_babe

    i am moving

    you are a genious and i am a huge idiot. if i would have done that like 3 hours ago, my tank would already be at my apartment.
  14. leopard_babe

    i am moving

    yes i have bio balls. i was just going to very carefully move them into a bucket of tank water. i only have an urchin and a shrimp, so if my tank recycles it is not a big deal. i just would like to stay as dry as possible. i will try using my old cap, and see if that will work.
  15. leopard_babe

    i am moving

    so i have decided after not living at home for 6 months to move my favorite hobby to my apartment. i have most of my tank unesembled except... the wet dry filter. how do i get the water out of my wet dry??? help would be appreciate. then i am going to make a thread that says ... how not to...
  16. leopard_babe

    Potters angel

    I have 75lbs of live rock. I have had my tank for something like 2-3 years. I waited until I had an established tank before I put the mandarin in. He is doing very well. I have had it for about 6 months. I am also lucky enough that he eats some of the frozen food I put in the tank. I would...
  17. leopard_babe

    Potters angel

    Back after a long break. I am rearranging my 46 bow. I want one main big fish in the tank. It does not need to be reef safe. I was wondering if any has kept a potters angel. What do you think about them? I have: urchin 2 choc clowns 2 b. cardinals 1 mandarin dragonette 1 cc star 4 chromis...
  18. leopard_babe

    Need quick easy answer

    I opted to throw it away, since I can't get a picture of it. I just added my tang to my 180, and my angel and her are so fun to watch. the angel is a little smaller then her. She has been taking her back fin and sticking it into the tangs face. No biting or hostility is going on. Just some...
  19. leopard_babe

    Need quick easy answer I think that you are right tizzo. It is a stomatella. Thanks for the help. So I should put it in the tank???
  20. leopard_babe

    Need quick easy answer

    it is a yellow, brown colored thing