Search results

  1. leopard_babe

    Working on a reef

    Thanks for all of the replies. I would love mh, but do to the price for the ones that I have found, I cannot afford them. i was willing ot pay $400 for lights, but the mh for my tank are like $550. That I can't pay, plus considering my tank is 36" across there is a huge center bar that is in...
  2. leopard_babe

    30" 3x65 watt pc hood

    What size tank do youhave that light on? It is actually a little short for my tank, but I was wondering??? I am looking for lights right now. It is a very complicated thing. Leopard
  3. leopard_babe

    Working on a reef

    You are so right, looking for lights is frickin' time consuming. I have looked and looked site after site. It is a pain in the butt. I think that I have found SOMETHING that will work. We shall see. thanks all, Leopard
  4. leopard_babe

    lugols bath

    Anytime I can be of help. I am here to serve. ALthough my knowldge of reef is not ery much, if it is a FO question, I probably have some form of answer. Glad to help, Leopard
  5. leopard_babe

    acclimating corals

    Sounds like I have it under control. Now I just need to get my lights, and I will be all ready for a reef. I can't wait. I am so excited. It is like setting up my tank all over again!!! Leopard
  6. leopard_babe

    Clean up?

    clarkiiboi makes sence. I will stick with the snails, and maybe a few scalets. My starfish usually eats them with in a day. She is not really reef safe, but I really don't want to give her up, so that someone can feed her to their harliquin shrimp. I might just have to set up a qt. Anyways...
  7. leopard_babe

    lugols bath

    No, I like learning new things. That is a good explaination of ich. It also made me want to bath my corals. I have heard that luglos is mostly used by the people that I have talked to. Some others have said something about a flatworms dip. So far the general consencus was, Temperature...
  8. leopard_babe

    That Little Sh.. Aaahh!!

    Er Doc ayy.... I would be an ER nurse. I haven't seen any doctors on this site.
  9. leopard_babe

    lugols bath

    So your experience with ordering coral over the internet, is that you have had good luck? Would you do a luglos bath even after you order them over the internet?? Thanks for the advice, I am new to reef, and I want to do everything right. Thanks for the help!!!! Leopard
  10. leopard_babe

    That Little Sh.. Aaahh!!

    what kind of puffer??? My puffer could have probably bit my finger off if he wanted.
  11. leopard_babe

    Is any ick medicine ok to put in my salt water tank?

    You are very right. I don't have a qt anymore, so I don't use cooper or hypo. You are right those are the only way to get rid of it. I used greenex to trat my disply tank. However, I found out that I never really had ick, I just had "white spots", from my fish being stressed. Hiddenicon do...
  12. leopard_babe

    lugols bath

    I am looking at mh with pc, but the light fixture that best fits my needs is like 500 bucks. I don't really want to spend that on lights. So I am still looking around. I will see what I can do. Thanks, Leopard
  13. leopard_babe

    lugols bath

    My LFS is very good. The have 10 frags for $99. They are very reliable. All of my fish are from there, and most of them are CB at the store. This store, to me, is priced fairly. I have not bought anything over the net yet. I am more likely to buy corals on the net, then fish. I am very...
  14. leopard_babe

    Adiing Live rock to allready established tank

    I am very precaucious, and I only add 1 fish sometimes 2 at a time every month. When a tank is new the levels are not as stable. you want to be careful when adding new things, because the change in bio-load can cause your tank to have a mini-cycle, and can cause your fish to get sick, or even...
  15. leopard_babe

    That Little Sh.. Aaahh!!

    My friend have a fresh water tank. She has this fish tat is about 10 inches long. When he picks on the other fish, she puts the net in the water and hits him on the head. I wouldn't do that, but watching her do it is rather funny. Leopard
  16. leopard_babe

    lugols bath

    However I am way ahead of myself. I don't even have the lights yet, and I am asking how to acclimate corals. I keep changing my mind on the kind fo lights that I want. But I want to know as much as I can before I start my reef. When I started my tank, I made a few errors that if I would have...
  17. leopard_babe

    lugols bath

    I have another post going that says it is 40 drops per gallon. I would just get a small plastic bowl, and add a small amount of tank water. Considering the price. Just enough water to cover the coral, and add the Luglo. Then just do a once look over and check for any unwanted critters. If...
  18. leopard_babe

    Working on a reef

    I really like polyps. Hey in your spare time you want to build a canopy for me too? That looks great. I have rearranged my rock a little bit. I am trying to upgrade my lights. It would be so much easier if I had a canopy, and cheaper too. Thanks, Leopard
  19. leopard_babe

    Is any ick medicine ok to put in my salt water tank?

    You need to find out what is causing the ich, otherwise it will never go way. It could be flutuating temperatures, Changes in ph, a new creature added to the tank, or high nitrates tat are stressing your fish. I use greenex in my tank. I find that it helps the ich go away. So try to figure...
  20. leopard_babe

    Adiing Live rock to allready established tank

    About the anemone, I think that you are supposed wait till your tank has been established for 4-6 months before making it a reef. I THINK, but I don't know much about reefs. HTH Leopard