Search results

  1. leopard_babe

    Adiing Live rock to allready established tank

    I have some advice....Slow down. You have added many fish in a short amount of time to a very young tank. You also have way to many fish in a 75 gallon tank. You need to take this hobby slowly, or you could have mass destruction. You can add about 5lbs of liverock at a time. You can add it...
  2. leopard_babe

    tank setup feedback

    I will not be very helpful, but I have a bow front, and I LOVE it. They make great reef tanks. A skimmer is very important to a tank. Why there are 2 I don't know. I have a wet/dry filter, so I don't know anything about the filter that you have. I think the lights that you have will need to...
  3. leopard_babe

    That Little Sh.. Aaahh!!

    Yeah turkey baster is really easy. Just put the food in some tank water, and suck it up. Then squirt the food into the tank. Not hands involved. I try to keep my hands out, because I wiped my tank out with something that was on my hands. Leopard
  4. leopard_babe

    lugols bath

    At a good and reliable fish store, could you still have hitchickers? If I do this dip, does this kill any of these unwanted critters?
  5. leopard_babe

    That Little Sh.. Aaahh!!

    Some peroxide, neosporine and a band aid. My angel bites me all of the time, whenever I have my hand in the tank. I have never had blood draw. I feed my fish food in a turkey baster. My theory is to have my hands in the tank as little as possible. Now my domino damsel would take an arm off...
  6. leopard_babe

    Working on a reef

    Did you make that canopy? I want one for my bow, and have look for them, but I have not yet seen one anywhere. Your tank looks very nice. Hopefully my tank will look that good when I am done with it. Thanks for the eye candy, Leopard
  7. leopard_babe

    lugols bath

    Thanks for the reply. I was told that you could give your corals a flatworm exit and some other methods were mentioned. That is what I was referring to. When you do a look over to see if there is anything, what if you do see a flatworm, or something bad??? Do you pick it off with your...
  8. leopard_babe

    acclimating corals

    So I acclimate them to temperature. And I could get like a gallon bucket, and put 40 drops, then dip the coral in it for a minute. Then look at the rock for any other critters. How does that sound? Anything else you recommend that I do?
  9. leopard_babe

    Working on a reef

    Do those lights just sit on top of your tank, or do you have them in a ballast, or a canopy?
  10. leopard_babe

    Working on a reef

    If I were to get pc, what wattage should it be total?
  11. leopard_babe

    too much coraline

    My pencil urchin eats the coraline algea righ off y rock. i have 2 pieces that are [hr] because he ate all of the algea off of it. It makes a big mess when they eat corline algea. The leave pieces of it chewed up, along with there poop, all over the rocks. He does the job, and he only cost...
  12. leopard_babe

    Calcium Reactor?

    A calcium reactor uses c02 to dissolve a calcium carbonate media boosting your calcium levels and your alkalinity as well AS far as feeding the reef goes that really depends on what you want to keep, i feed my softy and sps tank with a coral food recipie i took off the forum, basically just...
  13. leopard_babe

    New Rock.

    I thought (could be mistaken) that you were supposed to put it in a rash can for a week or two and scrub it everyday, really hard. You should hav ea powerhead and a heater in the trash can. However I have no idea what kind of rock you are talking about, or if it is cured, or if you have cycled...
  14. leopard_babe

    New Rock.

    is it cured? Do you already have an established tank?
  15. leopard_babe

    lugols bath

    I have been reading horror stories about bringin gin worms, and atpsia with new corals. So I heard you could do a Lugols bath. Does anyone else use this method??? Thanks, Leopard
  16. leopard_babe

    Live Sand

    i have it. It is called indo-pacific
  17. leopard_babe

    lugols bath

    When you guys acclimate your corals do you do a Lugols bath? How do you do it? What do I need to buy to do a Lugols bath? Do I do it in a bucket, bowl? Do I use Ro water, or salt? I don't want to add any unwanted critters to my tank. Thank you, Leopard
  18. leopard_babe

    Clean up?

    I thought you weren't supposed to have things with pincher in a reef?
  19. leopard_babe

    Clean up?

  20. leopard_babe

    Can a California Ray go in a 72 gallon

    Rays need lots of room to swim around. I was going to put 2 in my 180 and decided against it. My ray loves the room. She swims laps non stop all day. I think that smallest tank a ray could go in is a 180. IMO that is. They require alot of room to swim, with a soft substrate, and not very...