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  1. leopard_babe


    well razor, you sure know about octopi
  2. leopard_babe


    thanks for the help my star seems to be doing better. I have frozen brine and squid. i think that she has been eating that. I am going to get some shrimp this weekend and see if that works. Thanks for all of the replies, I really appreciate it. Bob: I thought that bahamas were illegal...
  3. leopard_babe

    Regal Tang not acclimating well

    gosh that hippo is so beautiful. I put my food in a turkey baster, and put it in front of my hippos face. And then squeezed out the contents. That is how I got mine to eat!!!
  4. leopard_babe

    Looking to set up an Aggressive tank what is a good starter size???

    This is important to keep in mind. It would have saved my money in the long run... The BIGGER the better!!!! :D
  5. leopard_babe

    Regal Tang not acclimating well

    My tang hid for days. I thought she was dead, but then she would come out. She liked to snack on my plants. Congrats on your new fish. Where are the pictures???
  6. leopard_babe

    Porcupine Pufferfish Puffed (pictures)

    My puffer never touched a snail. My cc star on the other hand eats them all of the time. Go figure :rolleyes: .
  7. leopard_babe


    Good thanks guys. My little guy never comes to the top of the tank. I need a clan up crew, so I figured if I spot feed then my clean up crew might last for a little more then a week.
  8. leopard_babe

    Porky Puffer

    My porky ate about 3 days after i got him. He LOVED krill. He rerrally wasn't in to the frozen foods. If he doesn't eat in a week then I would get worried. Porkys are nocturnal. SO during the day they just lay on the bottom of the tank resting. Once my porky started to eat, he could...
  9. leopard_babe

    Henciochus Butterfly

    Yes, I belive that they would do well in a group. Just so you know, I was going to get 2 for my 46, and when the local fish store got them they were HUGE. You are going to need a large tank for a group of hen. butterflies.
  10. leopard_babe


    I have a cc star. Since she completely ate my clean up crew, now she is starving. What do you guys spot feed your stars? i tried spot feeding before, but she wouldn't eat it. I think now she is so hungry that she will eat anything. Thanks, Leopard
  11. leopard_babe

    The happy guy

    Nice picture. I like it in front of the tanks. Did you do that with your web cam??? And might I add you do look happy.
  12. leopard_babe

    Seen a beautiful 750gal yesterday.

    I believe that is novice??
  13. leopard_babe

    ? bottom dwellers

    I have: 1 scooter blenny: good for the sand like in your other post 1 lawnmower blenny: good for algea control 2 blue spotted jawfish: a little more money, but extremely beautiful and fun to watch
  14. leopard_babe

    clener fish

    You might want to try an assortment of snails. Also sand sifting starfish, brittle stars are god for the sand. I like narsissus and trochus snails. I would just get a clean up crew, and that will help with keeping the sand clean. I get some algea on my sand, and i just drag my net across the...
  15. leopard_babe

    fish for sale in michigan

    sounds good to me. Just keep me posted.
  16. leopard_babe

    Okay, so sometimes things don't work out......

    i bet the zebra is nice. What a great aggressive tank. Sorry to here about snoopy. I know what you mean about the addiction. I got a 46 and then within months was looking for a bigger tank. I just bought mh for my 46. I just picked up my black v lion for my 180 :D . Needless to say I am...
  17. leopard_babe

    Tank mate

    I think that one lion fish is big enough for a 75. 2 lionfish would be rather cramped when they get bigger. What are the other fish in your tank now besides the lion?
  18. leopard_babe

    clener fish

    Do you have a clean up crew, or any starfish?
  19. leopard_babe


    I am a nurse and this is what I know: I have treated people with lion fish stings. Dependsing on where you are stung, how badly you are stung, how many soines you are stung by, and if you are allergic to bee stings... they could potentially be deadly. Most people are ok if they are stung by a...
  20. leopard_babe

    Okay, so sometimes things don't work out......

    That mantis was so cool. I hate having to get rid of fish. If your tank was acrylic could it still break the tank? Just wondering. I don't know much about mantis. How are all your other fish doing? You have a puffer and a lion right? Anyting else yet? Leopard