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  1. leopard_babe

    Working on a reef

    what kind of lights do you have on that tank?
  2. leopard_babe

    B&W and percs????

    I guess that you can mix some clowns. i had a tomate and a pair of percs. As for mixing spieces of clowns, I am not sure. Why don't you ask this question in the reef forum. There are alot of people there, and many of them have clowns. However I was under the inpression that you could not...
  3. leopard_babe

    Is this a stupid question???

    I had a porky, and a pencil urchin. I don't think that my puffer even knew that the urchin was there. I never saw the puffer go near it. I think it depends on the personality of your puffer. Everyone has a different experience. If your puffer is nosey, and curious there is a chance that...
  4. leopard_babe

    B&W and percs????

    Do you mean do you 2 or each kind or just 1 clown? If that is what you mean, then I would say get two clowns. When you get two of a kind the larger one becomes the female, and the smaller one becomes the male, and you can end up with a mated pair. HTH Leopard
  5. leopard_babe

    What do you use

    Thanks for the opinions guys. I appreciate the help. If I am going to spend the money, I want to make sure that I am doing the right thing!!! Leopard
  6. leopard_babe

    What do you use

    So I should be able to run mh without running the temperature up in my tank? That would be good. If I could get away with running the lights and no chiller. The light I am looking at has two 4 inch fans, and has legs, so it will not sit directly on top of the tank. I will post a link of the...
  7. leopard_babe

    Working on a reef

    My tank currently runs at about 80.7 degrees. If I have mh I know the water will be hotter by a few degrees. So I would want a chiller to maintain anything higher then 80. Thanks for the help!! Leopard
  8. leopard_babe

    What do you use

    I am starting a reef and was wondering what kind of lights you guys use. It is only letting me use to options. I am getting new lights, and want mh, but and curious to see what you guys use. Thanks, Leopard
  9. leopard_babe

    What do you use?

    I am starting a reef and I want to see what you guys run. Thanks
  10. leopard_babe

    Working on a reef

    I have a chiller on my 180. I know how that works, and the price. Price is not really the option, when it comes to the lights. I live at home and don't want to run up my parents bills. I thought perhaps instead of runnning mh, I could run pc or vho. I don' really want to have to run a...
  11. leopard_babe

    Working on a reef

    I am just a little nervous about buying mh. Then I would have to constantly run my chiller, and the new lights. I am thinking my parents are not going to like that. Would pc, or vho be less expensive to run as mh or the same? Is it still going to make my tank hotter, or not as much? I am...
  12. leopard_babe

    Working on a reef

    I want a reef. I am getting new lights for my tank. I want mh, but I think they may not fly with my parents. What corals could I keep if I got vho instead? I have a 46 gallon bow. It is not very deep. I know I would be more limited with my corals if I don't have mh. I really am...
  13. leopard_babe

    Iam getting that fish!!!!!!

    I saw that fish, and thought that it was SO cool. I don't know anything about it. I like the pix of yu holding the fish that is very neat. When I clean my 180, my sting ray rubs my arm, like she is petting me. How big do those guys get? They look really cool.
  14. leopard_babe

    quick ?

    That is great!!! How did you do that? Did you make that? Very nice. My compliments to you.
  15. leopard_babe

    quick ?

    Actually I have found a light that can sit on my tank. That sounds like it will work. If not, then I will see you in the DIY forum. Leopard
  16. leopard_babe

    quick ?

    I could DIY. I haven't thought of that. I guess that is the direction I am heading. Now in my spare time perhaps I can create something.
  17. leopard_babe

    waiting for a reef tank

    Thanks Kris, I was just wondering if they were like marine plants. Now I know. I like to know little useless things like that.
  18. leopard_babe

    quick ?

    those look wonderful!!!! You are right they have a nice look to them as well. My tank in backed up into a corner. So I would not be able to hang it on a nice pice of wood with hooks like you guys have done. That is a great idea. I am not trying to be difficult, I just don't have alot of...
  19. leopard_babe

    quick ?

    That is a great idea, but yeah it is impossible. First my mom would kill me. Second the walls it is up against are walls that go to the outside of my house. So I can't do that. So I need another idea. Any suggestions are more then welcome. I would like Mh, but they would have to be 24" and...
  20. leopard_babe

    quick ?

    well yes I guess that is why, the mounting dillema. I don't know alot about different lights. I know more about mh then the other types. I can"t hang the lights from the ceiling. So the lights will have to sit over my glass tank, which has a glass cover on it. Which I know will be hot, and...