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  1. leopard_babe

    quick ?

    If I have pc I won't be able to keep clams, and some other corals, right?
  2. leopard_babe

    quick ?

    If you could not get MH, what would be your next choice? It cannot hang from the ceiling. I want to start a reef, and would like Mh with legs, or fans. I have a bow 24" and am having a hard time finding aqua space lights. What will you suggest? VHO or PC? thanks, Leopard
  3. leopard_babe

    waiting for a reef tank

    Are corals like marine plants, in the way, that they lower and eat nitrates? I don't have any nitrates, but I was wondering if corals will lower nitrates. Also do coral keep your water parameters good like marine plants or no? I was just wondering. thanks Leopard
  4. leopard_babe

    new lion!

    What kind of lion is that? It looks like it is a different variation, because of the oragnish colors. Do you know? I always wanted a lion, but I never had a big enough tank. When I did get a bigger tank I opt for a sting ray instead. I like the black lions, but that one is just beautiful.
  5. leopard_babe

    porky puffer

    I agree with cinhark. My puffer used to spit food out because he didn't like it. If he liked it he would swallow it whole. I would say that if your fish does not appear to be eating it. then it probably isn't. Try soaking your food in garlic, and try without the garlic. My porky wold only...
  6. leopard_babe

    seahorse pics finally

    go to, people breed them, and sell them there. There are a bunch of other sites, but ask them where to get your ponies from. Oceanriders is another great place. There is a wait list. HTH Leopard
  7. leopard_babe


    I think the puffer is the coolest fish I evr owned. What a personality these fish have. They are just my favorite. Puffers are only poisonuos if you eat them, so hopefully you won't try that. If you put a puffer in a reef, and turn the lights off, in the morning the entire "reef" part will...
  8. leopard_babe


    I have a pencil urchin in my tank. He is kind of alot of work. He eats all of my coraline algea, craps all over the rock, and never eats the hair algea. Go figure. He is cool to look at, but if I had to do it again, I would not buy another one. that is just my opinion. Sarah
  9. leopard_babe

    Just getting started and need advice

    I have a gamecube, because I am a HUGE zelda/starfox fan. the only reason I bought the dumb thing. They have not been making very many good games for it. I think if I had to pick, it would be tank over video games :D . However my bf, would not be happy getting rid of ANY of the game systems.
  10. leopard_babe

    my first poll (lets see if I do it right)

    However when you want to get a fish out of the tank, they know you are coming for them. Food in the net or not.
  11. leopard_babe

    Sea Urcins

    i have a pencil urchin named urkel. He is alright. I bought him to eat my algea, which he does. However some of his favorite algea is CORALINE algea. It takes huge chuncks out of my rock. He also has algea hanging off of him. I personally don't really enjoy watching him. He does not do...
  12. leopard_babe

    possible puffer problems

    In my experience, I have found dogface to eat more inverts, stars and snails, then porky. However that is just with the fish that I have kept.
  13. leopard_babe

    possible puffer problems

    is your porky snoopy? Do you notice its personality as nipping things in the tank? My angel is that way. She nips at my urchin, my star, and my snails. My porky just liked to eat, sleep, and swim. He never touched anything that wasn't krill soaked in garlic. So if you have a nosey puffer...
  14. leopard_babe

    Cloudy water overnight? Help.

    haha, sometimes that is how I feel. Whatever is easier. My fish are more spoiled then my dog. My dog is spoiled rotten. :rolleyes:
  15. leopard_babe

    Just getting started and need advice

    sent. I thought that you could put addresses up for websites, as long as they are not competitors. Ex: You could say ----, because SWF does not sell tanks. Right??? Just light the hellolight website someone gave me, because SWF does not sell lights, so this place isn't a competator. Right????
  16. leopard_babe

    my first poll (lets see if I do it right)

    I don't know if a "chemical" is in it. i just know that you should thaw it. It could be tap water. I dunno. What holds frozen food together???
  17. leopard_babe

    my first poll (lets see if I do it right)

    hahaha. My angel does that. When I stick the net in the tank, she swims right in.
  18. leopard_babe

    Cooling the tank quick ?

    OH... the things I learn from you guys. . All very helpful!!!
  19. leopard_babe

    my first poll (lets see if I do it right)

    if you thaw the food out, the reason for thawing it out is so the food will not be held together. There is something holding the food togethe rthat is bad for the tank. If you are pouring the water into the tank, then there really isn't a point in thawing it out. So if you pour the melted...
  20. leopard_babe

    Just getting started and need advice

    hey cholland your icon is sweet!!! We are hear to help yo not discurage you. however 100 gallon tank is gonna cost a bit of money to set up. Out of curiosity do you have a price range you are interested in? I believe that the sw fish tank has taught me a great deal of things. I think that...