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  1. leopard_babe

    Just getting started and need advice

    I am a dummie I didn't put the price in. HAHA. I am gonna take an off the wall stab and say just the tank is gonna be a couple hundred bucks. It depends on the tank. If you are worried about cost. Look for a used one on the net. You can find a bunch of great deals on the net.
  2. leopard_babe

    my first poll (lets see if I do it right)

    I take some tank water, put it in a cup, and then thaw out and strain my food in a net.
  3. leopard_babe

    LR need Light?

    I don't think that the color can die off. The color is influenced by the lighting in the tank, and the level of calcium??? I can't say that I know for sure. I don't think that you should worry about the color dying off. Die off I think, has to do with the critters in the live rock. I am not...
  4. leopard_babe

    LR need Light?

    I started my tank on 8 hours. I don't know how much light you should have for a new tank. I turned my lights on at noon and turned them off at 8. Once I got fish, I had my actintics go on at 10, lights on at noon. The big lights go out at 8, and the actintics go out at 10. so I really have...
  5. leopard_babe

    my first poll (lets see if I do it right)

    Do you thaw out your frozen food??? In a post I was discussing tahwing out frozen food. I was curious to see if it really is important to tahw food, or if it is just a waste of time. I was just wondering what you saltwater fish people do. THANKS!!!!
  6. leopard_babe

    Cooling the tank quick ?

    i turned the air on when my mom went to work. She was like "wow it is so nice in here." So now I am lowering my temp a bit. A BIG reason I was concerned with the temerature, is because I have an eibli angle that gets white spots, like stress spots not ick, when the temps get high. She was...
  7. leopard_babe

    LR need Light?

    have you cycled the tank? I don't think that you need to do water changes. Do you have any fish? If this is a new tank i would not worry about the water levels. They are gonna be really high in a new tank. Because you have to go through the cycling problem. skip the water changes. Start a...
  8. leopard_babe

    Cloudy water overnight? Help.

    I would be interrested in what others have to say about thawing out frozen food. Maybe I will start a poll on swf and see what others have to say.
  9. leopard_babe

    Cooling the tank quick ?

    crabs don't bother the ray? I would think that they would nip at a ray? I don't have a "good" protein skimmer. That is the next upgrade on the 180. After this damn chiller fiasco. I hate michigan. This weather change happened at an inconvinient time. But her thats MI for ya right...
  10. leopard_babe

    Cloudy water overnight? Help.

    My mother's day was good. Spent it with my mom planting flowers, watching a movie, and grocery shopping. Your tank is looking great. I like royal gammas they are cool. I have never had one. I am glad that your water is no longer cloudy. It is storming pretty bad here, I am gonna have to...
  11. leopard_babe

    hey ray owners

    That is so cool. I love seeing the filtration. I am not crafty enough to create my own. Your tank is so cool. I would love and in the wall set up. Oh yeah, Tony, I did that before. I did that on my 46. I never did that for my 180. However I put the glass back on the 46 when I was on...
  12. leopard_babe

    my puffer and my trigger :)

    Looking good. My puffer always looked like it was smiling. Your looks like it is smiling. He must be a well fed fishy. :yes:
  13. leopard_babe

    should i cut my puffers teeth?????

    I don't know if this will work, If you gave your puffer something to eat like cockel (sp?), could it bite into it, and break, or file its teeth down? Cockel looks like a miniature clam. A puffer can bite into it, and chip its teeth, or file them down. However it sounds like your puffer might...
  14. leopard_babe

    possible puffer problems

    I kept large snails, and trochus snails with my puffer. he never touch a single member of my clean up crew. Trochus snails have very strong "feet?" they are have a strong suction, and they are hard for a fish, even a strong one to pull off a rock, or glass. Depending on the personality, and...
  15. leopard_babe

    Horse shoe crab

    Oh really , I didn't know they ate the good stuff. Hmm.. that would make me not want one too.
  16. leopard_babe

    anybody have a Moorish Idol?

    I am a dork I didn't see the heni remark you made. .
  17. leopard_babe

    anybody have a Moorish Idol?

    You should do a search. There are many thread on idols. I believe that one of the reasons they are hard to keep, is that there life expecancy is not that long to begin with. I THINK I have read that they are difficult feeders, and very fragile. If you have a big enough tank, you could...
  18. leopard_babe

    Cooling the tank quick ?

    WOW kip you have alot of post. i will move the powerhead. Now that it is night the temp is going down a little. For the record you would need about 6 trucks full of ice to lower the temp of a saltwater tank. I have those freezer packs, but I think that all will be ok. I think this is a...
  19. leopard_babe

    Will this help my Nitrate Nightmare!

    Did you change the lights recently, or buy new bulbs for the lights? I am really stumped, but I am not an expert. If you say there are no nitrates in your tap water, then I guess that it is not coming from the water. When I switched to RO, my nitrates lowered alot. I have marine plants in my...
  20. leopard_babe

    Just getting started and need advice

    Glass 100 gallon tank... I am going to take the wild guess of like $. I think in the wall is great, if I could do that I would. 100 is a good size. But if you are doing an in the wall, then you probably only want to do it once. I would suggest trying to decide what kind of fish you want...