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  1. leopard_babe

    Leapord Babe...

    The blue spotted rays only get about 10 inches in diameter don't they?? And it is the regular caribbean spotted rays that get like 2 feet?? Or am I mixed up here??
  2. leopard_babe

    Have you ever heard of...

    In a reef tank has anyone ever kept a lion fish, or a cowfish?? My LFS has a cowfish in every reef tank. I asked them if they were reef safe (I thought they were not) and they told me they occationally nip at zoos, polyps for the most part they almost never bother the corals. Then in the...
  3. leopard_babe

    Leapord Babe...

    I used to have a cortez, but I sold it, when I thought I was going to make my 180 a reef. Now I have a cali ray. I got both from the same place. So you are right, I used to have the cortez ray.
  4. leopard_babe

    Leapord Babe...

    gaguzzler just post pix of his, and mine looks just like that. I can't post pix of mine because the camera cord does no reach.
  5. leopard_babe

    Leapord Babe...

    I got it at a LFS in michigan. It is a cali ray. I forget if we can say the name of fish stores on this site. So I will post it, but it might get erased. It is called the Tropicorium. Very low maintainance. She is very small. I got her and she was about 4 inches across, and now she is...
  6. leopard_babe

    Chocolate chips and anenomes

    A bottle of jack with a bow just for you. This is advice that I give everyone. Just like people every fish has a different personality. Everyone is going to have a different experience with their fish. If you want to try a cc star in your tank, go for it. You will just need to monitor it...
  7. leopard_babe

    2700 gallon shark tank pic trying to post

    Hang on I need to wipe my chin, I am drooling. I would like to know, when you get it up and running, how is the maintanence on it? I always wanted to build my own tank. When I get a house I would definately do that, if the cleaning was not to bad. That is awesome, and we would like to keep...
  8. leopard_babe

    Chocolate chips and anenomes

    Ding ding... Love the sea is right. jack and a bunny shirt. That is an old pix, that I should probably take out of my icon. When I get around to it I will post a different one. My cc eats my clean up crew, and then leaves them alone for a while, and then eats them again. Expnsive to feed...
  9. leopard_babe

    CC star question

    Mine hasn't gotten noticibley bigger since I bought him. I have had mine for a year. However mine also does not really look like the average cc star
  10. leopard_babe

    Chocolate chips and anenomes

    My cc star has never (knock on wood), ever touched a coral. However it does eat my clean up crew. You just have to monitor your particular stars behavior. I have had mine for about year, and it is fun to watch. It likes to climb to the top of the tank, and let go. Fall to the bottom and...
  11. leopard_babe

    Aquacultured rock

    oops that is what I meant. The aquacultured rock with the corals on it from SWF. I have tons of LR. I was refering to the one covered in polyps or mushrooms. Sorry, hope that clarifies it. thanks
  12. leopard_babe

    dragon wrasse

    At a LFS near me, they sell adults. Those ones are about 3 inches. They can be very aggressive towars others as adults, so look for one that is not a juvie. I have never kept a lion and a dragon at the same time. they are very awesome fish. They make a great addition to an agressive tank.
  13. leopard_babe

    Aquacultured rock

    Has anyone ever bought this from SWF?? I would love to buy some since it is on sale. Does is get full?? Just wondering what you guys thought about it.. Thanks, L Babe
  14. leopard_babe

    dragon wrasse

    I have one. They get huge. The one at my LFS is like 15 inches. they are so cool looking when they are juvies. When they are adults they look totally different. Mine is in a 180. It is not very aggressive, and it eats the frozen food that I feed all my fish. However when I hold the cube...
  15. leopard_babe


    I think that it could have been sand, but I wasn't sure. However now that he is in my tank for a week or so he looks SO much healthier. He is getting nice and fat. He swims around all day. I have used greenex in my reef since I started it. I didn't know that it was bad. I have never had a...
  16. leopard_babe

    Starfish? what kind should i get

    Longest lasting thing in my tank. Has made it through EVERYTHING. Chocolate chip. He is also very fun to watch. He does occationally like to eat my snails. However he doesn't touch my corals. I love my star. Just a personal thought.
  17. leopard_babe

    6 line wrasse

    I know what you mean Tony. I am so busy for my two tanks now a days. i was gonna get rid of my 46, and just have the 180. But I have the ray, and aggressive in the 180, and a reef in the 46. So I still have both. When the 180 clears out someday, I will transfer the reef to the 180. It is...
  18. leopard_babe


    Exactally!!! Basically I believe the underlying purpose of this question was can you put a puffer in your tank. With the fish you have, you should not have a problem adding a puffer. Just remember that puffers get big, and require alot of swimming room. When you bye fish many times they grow...
  19. leopard_babe


    I had a porky that was about an inch long when I got him. He grew to about 5 inches. I had 2 damsels, and a tomatoe clown with him. Also a scooter blenny that used to rid on his back. I also had a huge clean up crew, and a cc star in with him. My porky never touched any of them. He just...
  20. leopard_babe

    6 line wrasse

    Sounds like I might have to add a six line. the had a beautiful one at my LFS. Thanks guys, Babe