Aquacultured rock


Active Member
Has anyone ever bought this from SWF?? I would love to buy some since it is on sale. Does is get full?? Just wondering what you guys thought about it..
L Babe

bang guy


Originally posted by Leopard_babe
Does is get full??

I don't understand this question.
I have about 400 pounds of Aquacultured rock. It is denser than Fiji or other LR that is not aquacultured. That means that you will need to buy more poiunds to fill the same area.
The amount of life on these rocks is astounding. It is so diverse it's unbelievable.
There are bad critters as well as good though. They try to remove them all but a few will probably sneak past. If it's a new setup it's easier to catch the bad ones. If it's an existing setup I would suggest a holding area to check it out and to cure it before adding to the display.
I would do it again. The number of beneficial animals is well worth it.


Are you talkin about the multi-rock?? with Polyps and stuff?? Or just live rock? I purchased the multi rock a few months ago.


i bought one and got several kinds of polypsand gsp. There was also a red brittle hiding in the rock, about 3 inches across lucky me:happy:


Active Member
oops that is what I meant. The aquacultured rock with the corals on it from SWF. I have tons of LR. I was refering to the one covered in polyps or mushrooms.
Sorry, hope that clarifies it.


In that case..I pruchased some from SWF a couple of months ago and was kinda disappointed. The polyps were few and far between. It did come with several different kinds though (about 4-5). I have, however, seen pictures on here of really full multi rock from swf. It must depend on which piece they happen to grab.