Search results

  1. leopard_babe


    I have used green X in my reef before. I know that it is ok. All I have is mushrooms and a star polyp. I am not worried about that. The mandarin looks like the mucous peeled off of it, and there are white spots on it. It looks very much like sand grains. However the grains will not come...
  2. leopard_babe


    Please spare me the lecture about qt for a new fish. I made a boo-boo. I bought a green mandarin today, and when I brought it home it looked fine. I acclimated for about 3 hours with the drip method. Now it looks like there is sand all over my fish. She is not distressed, and she now has...
  3. leopard_babe

    What would you do???

    Everybody does different things, and they learn from them. I wanted a puffer. I put it in my 46 bow. It grew a good 4 inches in 5 months. I learned from that to take the size of a fish into consideration before putting it into my tank. You just need to think, what is best for the fish, it...
  4. leopard_babe

    6 line wrasse

    hey tony good to see you on. I thought that you got rid of your tanks?? or just the shark one? I am thinking that I am going to add one to my 180. Perhaps I might just add it to my reef. However I do have a pistol shrimp in my tank. I also have a mandarin, and scooter blenny. I know that...
  5. leopard_babe

    6 line wrasse

    Anybody got a six line wrasse? Are they reef safe? How hardy are they? I want one for my 180. Just in case I have a problem with him in there, could I put him in a reef 46? I was just wondering. thanks, Leopard
  6. leopard_babe

    What would you do???

    Honestly, I would only do one tang for the time being. I have seen how big a hippo can get, and they need alot of room. Depending on your levels like your nitrates, if your system is supporting all of those fish, then I would not be afaird to add the second tang. I thing it depends on...
  7. leopard_babe

    What would you do???

    Thanks aaron, I will let you know. If my LFS has them this weekend then I will post pix of them on Friday. Otherwise I will have to wait till next weekend for them to come in. Thanks, LB
  8. leopard_babe

    Non-reef question

    I have the egg crate top. I used to use it when I had NO lights. My PC's don't fit very well on it. Someday I will build a canopy, when I am not so busy. Thanks for the opinions guys. Much appreciated!!!
  9. leopard_babe

    What would you do???

    Costs not an issue for me. I am leaning toward the firefish. My fish are the biggest pigs. I love to watch them at feeding time, they are so funny. My mandarin eat some of the cyclopeez that I put in the tank for the baby clowns. The bigger fish don't touch that. So I am not worried about...
  10. leopard_babe

    Tony Detroit? Novice? Daniel411?

    WOW things change when you take a short break. I have been so busy I haven't been on in awhile. Nice to see you guys still around. Oh yes novice PIX!!!!!
  11. leopard_babe

    What would you do???

    I had 2 cardinals, but one died. No sign of injury, ich, or any of that. Just lost its color one day, and was swimming near the top of the tank. Next day, he was floating in the cornor of the tank. They are captive breed. I had them for about 4-5 months. I didn't know if I could get...
  12. leopard_babe

    What would you do???

    I want to add the last 2/3 fish to my 46. Out of personal experiene, or preference would you get: 2-3 chromis 2 firefish My first fish was a chromis, but it got stuck in a piece of rock while trying to get a piece of food. Ironically its name was homer... (for you simpsons fans). i was just...
  13. leopard_babe

    Non-reef question

    i have been busy. Working 40 hours a week, and going to school full time for my bsn. I still make time for my fish, but I don 't have as much time to brag about them on the site. I had some silicone, so i did that. I was going to DYI my own canopy fo the tank, but I took classes all summer...
  14. leopard_babe

    Non-reef question

    i don't know where to put this question. But the people in the reef forum here are knowledgable, and respond quickly. I have a 46 bow, reef. my glass lid crakced today. I believe the lights on it were too hot. That problem was fixed. It is a clean crack through the glass that is fully...
  15. leopard_babe

    Eibli Angle

    I live in grosse ile. I am asking best offer.
  16. leopard_babe

    Eibli Angle

    For sale in Michigan. Not reef safe. If anyone is intersted let me know. thanks,
  17. leopard_babe

    Attention: Polarpooch

    I just took a good look at that panter, and it is HUGE. I almost got one, for my 180. It seemed to small for my tank. It was perhaps 2 inches long. Now that I know they could be 27" I don't think that a 180 could be a lifetime home. Dang those fish are huge. I wish that I could save the...
  18. leopard_babe

    Puff not eating

    have you changed they brand of food you were feeding??? i went from feeding wardleys krill, to feeding rivershrimp. My puffer would not come near the stuff. I put the krill back in, and he ate once again. Just a thought. Puffers are rather smart, in my book. Could that be it???
  19. leopard_babe

    46g bowfont

    I have a 46 bow. I had a puffer in there for a short time. My nitrates were SO HIGH. I was going to add an eel, but the waste was outrageous. I have black sand, that came from my LFS. You could check some other websites... I bet you could find some there. In my 46 I have a wet/dry and 2...
  20. leopard_babe

    Attention: Polarpooch

    Nice rescue Polarpooch!!!!! I don't care what anyone says, I think that you did the right thing. Even better all those fish are better off then they were. You gave them a second chance. *The lesson to be learned: DO NOT BUY FISH THAT YOU CANNOT HOUSE FOR THEIR WHOLE LIFE. ONLY PUT FISH, IN...