Search results

  1. boomerd

    Hardware gotta go

    Sorry, haven't been here is a while. Aqua UV is gone. I still have the big wet-dry available, as well as lots of powerheads and heaters. If there's something you need, send me an e-mail to the above address, as I don't check the forums very often anymore. NO lighting, skimmers, or big pumps...
  2. boomerd

    Hardware gotta go

    Looks like both wet-dry's are still available. Shipping for the Mandarin will be expensive. It's big and heavy.
  3. boomerd

    Hardware gotta go

    First off...LifeReef sump is sold. Shipping on the Mandarin Wet-dry would probably run well over $70. to Michigan...It's BIG, and HEAVY.
  4. boomerd

    Hardware gotta go

    UV is sold.
  5. boomerd

    Hardware gotta go

    Going to need your city as well as zip code to get an exact price, but it will probably be somewhere around $50.00 to send it UPS.
  6. boomerd

    Hardware gotta go

    I do, but they're too worn out to be worth the hassle or costs of shipping.
  7. boomerd

    Hardware gotta go

    bump, bump, bump
  8. boomerd

    Reef Club in Western Wisconsin

    I know it's not exactly local to you, but there is a club in Lacrosse/Onalaska.
  9. boomerd

    Hardware gotta go

    Bumpin it back to the top...
  10. boomerd

    Hardware gotta go

    Amiracle sump has been sold.
  11. boomerd

    Hardware gotta go

    BoomerD (AT) Gmail (DOT) com
  12. boomerd

    Hardware gotta go

    Skimmers are gone. Shipping on the sumps would run around $50. 00. What kind of odds and ends are you looking for? Please contact by e-mail. Much easier for me to maintain contact that way, rather than logging into several forums daily.
  13. boomerd

    Hardware gotta go

    Ok guys and gals. I've had to get out of the hobby pending back surgery. Tank, lights and all livestock rock and sand are gone. Now, I have this garage full of hardware to start listing for sale. Most either came with my 180, or that I bought for the 180 and never got to use. Sumps and...
  14. boomerd

    72' 900 watt MH&PC lighting system

    Just as an FYI on this, NEW on-line retail for these runs between $900 and $1200.
  15. boomerd

    wtb: wet dry filter im Northern Va

    Too bad we're on opposite sides of the country...I have a great wet-dry to sell, but shipping alone would be at least $75.00
  16. boomerd

    Rose BTA's and rocks...

    I have 4 very nice, healthy rose BTA's, all on 1 large rock. I'm getting ready to get out of the hobby for health reasons, an I can't get these off this rock so I can sell them. I've tried bags of ice to the foot, powerheads pointed at the foot, massageing the foot, just about all the usual...
  17. boomerd

    WTB: Tanks in Southern California

    Try the Recycler...Great resource for you in SoCal.
  18. boomerd

    stuff for sale in Cal

    I don't know if they're still around, but Twins in Stockton used to be pretty decent for a valley LFS. I live in Modesto, and drive to Milpitas to do business with Aquatic Gallery. IMO, the best LFS in the bay area. 2nd choiceis Tropical Paradise in San Leandro. not just across town, I...
  19. boomerd

    Give Away RO/DI tank, you pay shipping

    Robn, can you e-mail me a picture of that tank? I definitely might be interested...Also, dimensions so I can see if I can fit it where I'd need it to go. BoomerD (AT) gmail (DOT) com Thanks
  20. boomerd

    Looking for a skimmer for my 75

    How about a Kent Nautilus TE? Good skimmer. I'm getting out of the hobby, and these are among some of the equipment I'll be selling. E-mail me at BoomerD (AT) gmail (DOT) com