Search results

  1. boomerd

    Looking for 240+ Gallon Tank in S.Cal

    Did ya see this one? "ONLY" 200 gallons , but very nice...
  2. boomerd

    Looking for 240+ Gallon Tank in S.Cal

    Tried Recycler? There was a couple of 240's on there...
  3. boomerd

    MOVING SALE MUST SELL 100 gal tank..

    Interested in a few of your fish. E-mail me directly at : BoomerD (AT) pacbell (DOT) net Also interested in the heaters and Emperor filter as well.
  4. boomerd

    Oregon tanks??

    Try It's the site for the Puget Sound Aquarium Society. Lots of stuff for sale there. Or here:
  5. boomerd


    Florida? Check Reef Central. There's full set-ups there all the time in Florida... Also, A bit less traffic than many of the other sites, but mainly Floridians I think...
  6. boomerd

    ok last effort to find lights for my tank

    What about AKA CoolTouchLighting on E-Bay. Pretty nicely done stuff. I use their 2x250 set-up. Not sure about their canopies, but worth looking into...
  7. boomerd

    Anyone willing to part with some plants?

    Are you looking for saltwater macro algae? Or are you looking for plants for a freshwater tank?
  8. boomerd

    looking for QT...........

    Just a thought on this...all you need for a QT is a 10 or 20 gallon aquarium, heater and sponge filter or hang on filter for bio-filtration. Nothing ought to be able to pick something like that up out of the local paper, or from someone local for a lot less than shipping costs would...
  9. boomerd

    Selling The Whole Lot...I can't believe It

    Not sure about in your area, but here n northrern California, live rock from a hobbyists tank usually goes for about $3.00 per lb. Can be some variation depending on whats growing on the rock, but in the same general price range...
  10. boomerd

    tank from stacey (way off topic)

    PLUS, as I've been advised before, if you send a check by mail, that can get the postal inspectors involved in a mail fraud case as well. If you pay by money order, take the time, spend a few extra bux, and buy one from the Post Office...That makes the theft a federal offense... Not a lawyer...
  11. boomerd

    Lookin' for cheap or free perc's in ohio

    Cheap or free...what'ya want em for...feeders?:hilarious
  12. boomerd

    Anyone interested in hang-on sand bed filter?

    IF you do this, remember to use a very low flow powerhead, or you WILL have a bad mess in your tank...
  13. boomerd

    Anyone interested in hang-on sand bed filter?

    Instead of selling it for next to nothing, as zanemoseley said, it can be used for Rowaphos or Phosban, (just be sure to use a VERY slow flow rate, or you will turn the tank orange. Been there!) or you can use it for carbon if you rinse the carbon well first. Sand filters are not too great...
  14. boomerd

    lights, skimmer, tank

    norcalitrd , I need your e-mail so we can communicate off thread. I have many frags, and lots of live rock to trade. OR you e-mail me. I am at: and I live in Modesto. Interested in the lights only.
  15. boomerd

    lights, skimmer, tank

    What is the wattage on the light fixture?
  16. boomerd

    Nor Cal Tank wanted 40-60

    What are you looking for, just the tank? I have a 40 gallon reef tank,with stand, & canopy that I'm getting ready to take down. Sump and overflow too. I'm in Modesto. Contact me Directly at: BoomerD (at) Pacbell (dot) net
  17. boomerd

    MH/VHO Retrofit F/S No. Cal.

  18. boomerd

    Oceanic 180 & wet-dry f/. N. Cal

    O.K., sold the large tank. Still have available a Mandarin III wet-dry for sale. 36x12x18 high, (11 hi at the lowest part) Dual towers with rotating spray bars, approx. 7 gallons of bio=balls, drilled tor a 3/4" bulkhead & kent float valve, (neither is included. used in my new sump $200.00...
  19. boomerd

    MH/VHO Retrofit F/S No. Cal.

    Lights have been sold.
  20. boomerd

    Wanted To Buy: 125-165 Gallon Fish Tank in CA, SF Bay Area

    here is the other one: 180 in Tracy