Search results

  1. boomerd

    Wanted To Buy: 125-165 Gallon Fish Tank in CA, SF Bay Area

    Did ya see this one?: 180 in the Bay Area Or this one: 240 tenecor There was another 180 too, but can't find the link. I'll post it when I do.
  2. boomerd

    Oceanic 180 & wet-dry f/. N. Cal

    Bumpin this back up. Tank is spoken for, still have the wet-dry/sump. Great unit, $200. obo, and open to trades. Need a good return pump,( ampmaster, Mak4, or?) and some lighting for my fuge. (24" 2x55 or 2x65)
  3. boomerd

    WTB: 30g reef in san diego CA

    Check Lots of stuff there.
  4. boomerd

    how about these fish in a 30g reef

    While this is in the wrong forum, I'll add my 2 cents. If by yellow tail, you mean a damsel, I'd skip that one. They tend to get very agressive and territorial. Go with another small fish instead. Maybe a Royal Gramma or something similar.
  5. boomerd

    Oceanic 180 & wet-dry f/. N. Cal

    I'm also open to trades. I am in need of a GOOD return pump, dual 250w MH's, and ???
  6. boomerd

    Oceanic 180 & wet-dry f/. N. Cal

    Oceanic glass 180 gallon. (glass tank only) Back is drilled for 1.5" & 3/4" bulkheads. (Not included) Very minimal scratches, in excellent condition. Blue back. Here's a pic of it when it was set up: Also have a Mandarin III wet-dry for sale. 36x12x18 high.(11 high at the sloped portion) Dual...
  7. boomerd

    Entire Setup For Sale

    Might be interestedin your sump. Dimensions? If you can e-mail any pics, please send them to: BoomerD AT pacbell DOT net Thanks.
  8. boomerd

    WTB - 125 to 300 gallon tank

    Have you checked Recycler? Recycler Classifieds
  9. boomerd

    Skimmer wanted

    I might be selling a new, in the box, NEVER seen water Kent Marine Nautilus TE soon. Rated for 300+ gallons, so it's realistically good for 150 to 200 gallons. Found a great deal on a EuroReef to use on my 180 instead. $125. + shipping.
  10. boomerd

    Skimmer wanted

    What kind of skimmer are you looking for? In sump, hang on, ???
  11. boomerd

    Aqua Clear 150 Pro Series Wet/dry...

    Dimensions ?
  12. boomerd

    lookin 4 tank in southern ca

    Try Recycler. Lots of them there. Recycler Ads.
  13. boomerd

    Buying 30 lb of argonite

    Buy a 50 lb. bag of Southdown or Yardright at Home Depot if it's available in your area.
  14. boomerd

    48" metal halides and RO/DI Unit

    FWIW...I've done business with Jeremy and he's a very reliable seller. No BS, just a good clean deal.
  15. boomerd

    WTB 150 gallon or larger RR set-up Nor Cal

    Like it says, I'm looking for a 150+ in Northern California. Reef Ready, stand & canopy. Prefer complete with sump & good skimmer.
  16. boomerd

    looking for acyclic tank 60 gallons or more in LV CA

    Try Good source for stuff in the L.A. area.
  17. boomerd

    I am looking for a 125-140 set up in CA

    Helps keep the web-bots from harvesting e-mail addresses for the spammers.
  18. boomerd

    I am looking for a 125-140 set up in CA

    Is this Patti from Tracy, CA? If so, please contact me. BoomerD(at)pacbell(dot)net
  19. boomerd

    NorCal Area

    Whatcha got & whatcha lookin for? Also try here: B.A.R.E. Forum
  20. boomerd

    wetdry skimmer power heads canister filter

    Why don't you just set some fair prices, so we can know what you'd like to get out of your stuff? Then we can try to talk you down!:D