Bumpin this back up. Tank is spoken for, still have the wet-dry/sump. Great unit, $200. obo, and open to trades. Need a good return pump,( ampmaster, Mak4, or?) and some lighting for my fuge. (24" 2x55 or 2x65)
While this is in the wrong forum, I'll add my 2 cents.
If by yellow tail, you mean a damsel, I'd skip that one. They tend to get very agressive and territorial. Go with another small fish instead. Maybe a Royal Gramma or something similar.
Oceanic glass 180 gallon. (glass tank only) Back is drilled for 1.5" & 3/4" bulkheads. (Not included) Very minimal scratches, in excellent condition. Blue back. Here's a pic of it when it was set up:
Also have a Mandarin III wet-dry for sale. 36x12x18 high.(11 high at the sloped portion) Dual...
I might be selling a new, in the box, NEVER seen water Kent Marine Nautilus TE soon. Rated for 300+ gallons, so it's realistically good for 150 to 200 gallons. Found a great deal on a EuroReef to use on my 180 instead. $125. + shipping.