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  1. 8x8nhl

    BiG qUeStIon

    hey guys i really need help on my lighting choice. because of were im putting the tank my parents say i can't get mh so i wanted to go with 6x65 wats for my 75 reef. what can i keep and what can i not keep i really want clams and anemones also guys would 3 2x96 wat pc retro kits let me keep...
  2. 8x8nhl

    filteration and lighting question

    so for filteration for a 75 reef i was thinking about doing a cascade1200 canister filter( i heard somewere canister filters are more for fresh?)and somthing with som bio filteration and a protine skimmer built in.will that be good? now for the lighting questions should i do 4x65 watt pcs or...
  3. 8x8nhl

    LiGhTiNg QuEsTiOn!!!!!!!!!

    hey u guys i am getting a 75 reef in the next month or soo and i was wondring what i should do for lightin.. Ok i have to tell yall i can't do mh because of the heat issue and because of were we are putting it. But i was thinking about using 4x65 watt pc's or 6x65 watt pc's wixh would be...
  4. 8x8nhl

    an aggresive reef?

    hey i was wondring if you all could help me come up with a stocking list for an aggresive reef i also want an eel..... wich lion fish are reef safe. also what corals would be good? KEEP IN MIND I NEED ALL REEF SAFE AND INVERTS ty
  5. 8x8nhl

    What eel is best for a 75 reef ?

    hey guys i was just wondring what eel is best for a 75 gallon reef ................. i was thinking a snowflake but i dono????????? please help 8x~
  6. 8x8nhl

    anyone want to trade for an xbox 360

    hey i have a 360 that i barelly use with too controlers and 3 games and i was wondrin if anyone would want to trade a complete 30-55 gallon reef reddy system for the 360, games, controlers,and 250 $ for a 30 gallon you get 360 1 controler 1 game for a 45 gallon you get 360 2 games two...
  7. 8x8nhl

    big question need a mod.....

    is this a good deal ??????? im buyin an aquapod 24 gallon from my lfs it already has everything with it he's takin the live rock/ sand/water fro his own tank and he is going to come out and install it it comes with all filtersetc. and 70 wat mh he says i can grow all corral in this but i dont...
  8. 8x8nhl

    BIG question!!!!

    is this a good deal ??????? im buyin an aquapod 24 gallon from my lfs it already has everything with it he's takin the live rock/ sand/water fro his own tank and he is going to come out and install it it comes with all filtersetc. and 70 wat mh he says i can grow all corral in this but i dont...
  9. 8x8nhl

    Mh lighting question

    hey i was wondring if a 70 wat mh would be sufficent lighting to house all corals and mabey a little clam for a 24 gallon please help! :help: :help: :help:
  10. 8x8nhl

    byying tank frrom the clASSIFIEDS.....

    hey i buyin a tank fro the classifieds and im wondring what quesions i should ask the owner...... heres what ive coe up with tank deinsions what lighting whata protine skimer how aany lbs of live rock what pump
  11. 8x8nhl

    Reef club in dallas texas.?!?!!?!?!?

    hI! i really whant to get a 75 gallon reef tank and i was wondring if there was a reef club in the dallas fort worth area who could give me advice etc. please post your replies here ..... TYVM!!!! :cheer:
  12. 8x8nhl

    these good lights for a reef?

    ok for a 75 gallon ttank is this good lighting 2x250w hqi with 2x39w high out put..Unit Comes with bulbs Your Choice of - 10k, 13k or 20k Metal Halide bulbs and 10k or Actinic T5 bulbs Unit comes with instelled UV Filter Glass to Prevent harmful UV Rays from HQI bulb from Entering should i get...
  13. 8x8nhl

    lighting question for corrals

    ok for a 75 gallon ttank is this good lighting 2x250w hqi with 2x39w high out put..Unit Comes with bulbs Your Choice of - 10k, 13k or 20k Metal Halide bulbs and 10k or Actinic T5 bulbs Unit comes with instelled UV Filter Glass to Prevent harmful UV Rays from HQI bulb from Entering y wich bubles...
  14. 8x8nhl

    is this good lighting?

    ok for a 75 gallon ttank is this good lighting 2x250w hqi with 2x39w high out put..Unit Comes with bulbs Your Choice of - 10k, 13k or 20k Metal Halide bulbs and 10k or Actinic T5 bulbs Unit comes with instelled UV Filter Glass to Prevent harmful UV Rays from HQI bulb from Entering y is this...
  15. 8x8nhl

    letuce nudie branche

    hey u guys got any info on these guys how many can u keep in a 75 gal tank are theygood algea eaters!!!!!!?!?!?!?!? Ty
  16. 8x8nhl

    big help needed!

    hey i am new to saltwater and i was wondring a couple of things 1how much would a 75 gallon tank all filled up weigh also what would a 100 weigh 2 what are the best hardiest fish to start off with 3 does any one have a diffrent kind of aquascaping aquarium like instead of the normal rock wall do...
  17. 8x8nhl

    new to salt water!!!!

    hey i am new to saltwater and i was wondring a couple of things 1how much would a 75 gallon tank all filled up weigh also what would a 100 weigh 2 what are the best hardiest fish to start off with 3 does any one have a diffrent kind of aquascaping aquarium like instead of the normal rock wall do...
  18. 8x8nhl

    reef packages wich one?

    hey i gona get a 75 gallon reef tank and i was wondrin what reef package i should buy the 30- 90 gallon or the 55-100 gallon and do they crabs live very long?
  19. 8x8nhl

    how many wats per gallonfor a reef tank?

    hey at my lfs they said that you need about 5 wats per gallon for a reef tank how uch will this cost me for a 75 gal is this evenn true?
  20. 8x8nhl

    water change???????????

    when i went to my lfs they said that you need to change 20% of the water in ur tank weekly how much would this cost for a 75 gallon? also do i need to do this was that not true?