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  1. 8x8nhl

    some ideas?

    i have recently aquired a 100 gallon aquarium with stand and was wondring how much i would spend on everything but the auirum and stand like how much would a good filter , lites etc. also what kind of fish slash corral should i start out remember im a beginner also howmany pounds...
  2. 8x8nhl

    what fish?

    hi me and mymom am going to purchase a 100 gal tank and everything else i was wondring whta kind of fish coral or inverts should i get? please posts pics 2! :cheer: :help: ***)
  3. 8x8nhl

    help me!

    hey can people post some pics of diffrrent gal taks i need a 12 2 gal pic a 28 gal pic and a 50 gal pick ty1! :cheer:
  4. 8x8nhl

    help me please!!!!!!!!!

    !hi i am in need of help! i have about 200 dollars to spend on a tank fish stuf what should i get i really think fish are intresting! :cheer: :help: