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  1. fuz_munky

    Anybody watch Prankvote?

    i watch it now! thats awesome!
  2. fuz_munky

    IS swallowing gum really bad for you?

    there is a chemical in most gums that acts as a really weak laxative when digested. I forget whats its called but prepare for some gas.
  3. fuz_munky

    Sound alike

    sale, sail
  4. fuz_munky


    this seems kind of dumb but I'm actually allergic to fish. . . can't eat 'em. . . but i love fishing and SW fish. . . strange. . . oh and im allergic to grass.
  5. fuz_munky

    KAT74's 14g Biocube Diary

    YAY! your tank (and dog) are amazing
  6. fuz_munky

    some food for thought

    i got one where the heck do all my socks go!
  7. fuz_munky

    KAT74's 14g Biocube Diary

    you have a pm
  8. fuz_munky

    What is your favorite pizza place?

    Originally Posted by alexmir Personally i LOVE papa johns, with their garlic sauce and special seasoning!! A restaurant called Buca De Bepo has really good pepperoni pizza, thin chewy crust, HUGE pizza, and wood burning oven!!! same here! i also like papa murphy's stuffed chicago style pizza
  9. fuz_munky

    one man's trash. . . .

    well. . . i turns out that my dad doesn't want to spend money on such a small tank. . . sooooooo were gunna get a 14gal biocube next week with our extra tax return! so thats a double plus! prepare for a new biocube diary within the next two weeks! YAY!
  10. fuz_munky

    What is the weirdest fruit that you love?

    Originally Posted by ruaround you eat pressure treated lumber often??? do you wash it down with a can of 10-30??? i prefer WD-40. . .
  11. fuz_munky

    one man's trash. . . .

    what kind of fish could i put in there(if any). . . i was thinking a green or yellow clown goby could it get a goby pistol shrimp combo to fit in there?
  12. fuz_munky

    What is the weirdest fruit that you love?

    Originally Posted by jtrzerocool star tastes like a green apple... YAY! i love starfruit
  13. fuz_munky

    Ohhhh Gta 4 Comes Out Tomorrow

    Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE you are all dorks. linen pants? soaps? CHEZBURGURZ?! and were dorks!
  14. fuz_munky

    one man's trash. . . .

    no i'll get a mantis and watch it break right through the plastic
  15. fuz_munky

    Ohhhh Gta 4 Comes Out Tomorrow

    WOO it only took me two stores to find GTA IV!
  16. fuz_munky

    one man's trash. . . .

    okie dokie. . . i found a 60 watt florescent bulb in the pantry. . . just wondering if that'd work. . . i doubt it will. . . but you never know heres some pics! FTS. . . dont mind the black spots in the sand those ar just bubbles, im to lazy to get at them heres the light. . . it fits perfect...
  17. fuz_munky

    one man's trash. . . .

    kalied20, i found the light you were on the corallife site and its perfect. . . there is a sixteen watt wich is 6 inches long and a 20 watt wich is 8. . . wich one would be better if i get the 20 watt ill have to cut out the side of the light fixture
  18. fuz_munky

    How to catch Damsil's

    bait your fish net with their favorite food. . . thats i got mine out keep the net near the surface so you can pull it out fast anything that has food inside a damsel will go crazy for
  19. fuz_munky


    I WAS BORN IN 1992 WOO! does that count. . . i think it should
  20. fuz_munky

    Ohhhh Gta 4 Comes Out Tomorrow

    AUGH! im getting it later today. . . so friggin stoked! fuz munky-xbox live