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  1. fuz_munky

    mated gold stripe maroons price?

    yeah i'd pay more or less than $25 per maroon
  2. fuz_munky

    I am getting a 14G Biocube this weekend!!

    Originally Posted by Charred Salad Also, if i am moving sand and rock and water from my other tank to it, would I still need to let it cycle? i'd still wait a week or two and keep your eye out for spikes just as a precaution
  3. fuz_munky

    JuiCE_1080's 5.5 Gallon Reef Diary

    i have a four-wheel drive goby in my 29G they're great! don't grow more than an inch,sifts the sand and is very calm with other fish. i don't recommend getting a pair in such a small tank cause they'll nip at each other! Good luck, Joe
  4. fuz_munky

    JuiCE_1080's 5.5 Gallon Reef Diary

    WOW! great tank. how much has it costed you so far? and what do you ave hooked up cause i was thinking of doing a <10G tank P.S. can we see some more posters!
  5. fuz_munky

    Cutest Blenny Picture!

    here's my little four-wheel drive blenny, Gunther! he's less than one inch long! perfect size for my biocube!
  6. fuz_munky

    ID Please. Live Rock Hitcher

    i you really want to get rid of it you can get a sixline wrasse, i had way to many bristleworms so i got one and now i have 5-10
  7. fuz_munky

    Tongue Coral

    id actually buy the top one but prolly not the bottom one
  8. fuz_munky

    Help me pick a tang

    powder blue's are my favorite so far
  9. fuz_munky

    Post pics of your animals/pets!!

    heres my scottish terrier, Jack when he was six weeks two months ago
  10. fuz_munky

    got a bleached hitchhiker

    it was kind of a dark green mushroom before but now its just a white lump
  11. fuz_munky

    got a bleached hitchhiker

    is it possable to save it
  12. fuz_munky

    six line

    mine seems verry docile with my dragonet would he stiil attack newer fish?
  13. fuz_munky

    Fish in time out

    are sixlines known to be territorial
  14. fuz_munky

    looking for a algea eating fish

    that will be calm twords my other fish (sixline wrasse, mandarine dragonet) and fit in my 29 gal.
  15. fuz_munky

    biocube lighting Q

    is the "stock" lighting for the biocube enough to grow corals or will i need to buy some better lights
  16. fuz_munky

    struggling with a territorial damsel

    ok so i just but a sixline wrasse about 2 hours ago i acclimated him and placed him in my tank and i think hes scared of my damsel and hes hiding in the back top right corner of my tank. . . should i take out the damsel or. . . what
  17. fuz_munky

    total cost of a 49G (tall) aquarium

    thanks guys
  18. fuz_munky

    total cost of a 49G (tall) aquarium

    bumety bump?
  19. fuz_munky

    total cost of a 49G (tall) aquarium

    ive had my 29 biocube for about 5-6 months and wanna move up in scale and my aunt had a 49G tank sitting around all empty so i took advantage of the moment and now i have a tank sitting around MY house with nothing to do so how much money is it gunna take to set this thing up