Search results

  1. alejandro

    800 Gallon pond in progress pictures

    Hey mike this is Alex, I been on that lfs and is real nice by the way
  2. alejandro

    pencil urchins

    will you ship I can take two my zip code is 30531
  3. alejandro

    26 Gallon Nano Tank Close To Atlanta

    I put the rock on my 135 and take back to the lfs the toadstool and firefish, just make me an offer.
  4. alejandro

    26 Gallon Nano Tank Close To Atlanta

    one more
  5. alejandro

    26 Gallon Nano Tank Close To Atlanta

    so nobody interested here are some more pics with the tank empty clean and ready to go.
  6. alejandro

    Large orange toad fish

    if you decide to ship I'll take it I can pay you thru paypal my zip code is 30531.
  7. alejandro

    9" golden puffer

    Is kind of high is almost $300 let me check with my wife and I let you now. Thank you.
  8. alejandro

    9" golden puffer

    Would you ship him, if so how much ship to 30531
  9. alejandro

    26 Gallon Nano Tank Close To Atlanta

    No, no relly thanks this tank work just perfect with this lights, I'll be interested on trade for a 75 g and up tank.
  10. alejandro

    26 Gallon Nano Tank Close To Atlanta

    here is another pic
  11. alejandro

    26 Gallon Nano Tank Close To Atlanta

    e-mail me with any question
  12. alejandro

    26 Gallon Nano Tank Close To Atlanta

    one more picture
  13. alejandro

    26 Gallon Nano Tank Close To Atlanta

    I have this 26 gallon via-aqua va-680 tank for sale included: -tank with curved corners -matching stand -steal heater -Rio pump and via aqua pump -96w 18'' sunpaq retrofit kit -About 10'' toadstoal -Firefish No live rock or sand is included The tank is 4 months old the reason of selling this...
  14. alejandro

    125 AGA in NC

    I am interested too, Please, send me pics to thanks
  15. alejandro

    Any tank for sale near Atlanta Ga?

    I just sent you an email my email is elaine
  16. alejandro

    Any tank for sale near Atlanta Ga?

    Thank you is a good deal but I think is a pretty good ride to pick up I'm looking for something a little bit closer.
  17. alejandro

    Any tank for sale near Atlanta Ga?

    How much you asking for? and I have a 29g tank Via aqua with stand and 96w retrofit kit with a toastol mushrom, the tank is 5 months old was a present but I want a FOWLR tank again so we can work out something.
  18. alejandro

    Any tank for sale near Atlanta Ga?

    I'm looking for 55 gallons tank or bigger close to Atlanta.
  19. alejandro

    WTB 75-100 gal tank, Atlanta

    I'm looking for 75,90,120 gallons tank close to Atlanta Ga I get tired of my nano so I need something a little bigger thank you.
  20. alejandro

    T5 HO Fluorescent Tube for free

    Ok let me check today and I let you know also e-mail me you address to