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  1. alejandro

    tumor on my puffer

    I have a month with my porcuspine puffer,he been doing very well but last sunday I saw him very quiet, no swiming,lack of apetite, lost of color,very pale, I put on my qt tank he did'nt ate nothing I offer krill,live fish,ghost shrimp,brine shrimp. the worse thing is today when I back home I...
  2. alejandro

    excuse me iluvfish

    thank you fish_boi, no I don't have DSB I have only crush coral like 4 inches
  3. alejandro

    excuse me iluvfish

    excuse me iluvfish can you tell me what is DSB
  4. alejandro

    high nitrate on my tank

    Hi dreeves I have crush coral and I vaccum at least once a month, I don't have algae problem, I will put some more LR sounds good to me, I think may be the nitrate problem affect my long tentacle anemone because don't open very well, thanks everyone for help me out.
  5. alejandro

    high nitrate on my tank

    I have9 months with my 55g tank, filtration: wet/dry millennium 3000,305 fluval canister,100 seaclone skimmer,30 pounds live rock. inhabitants:lion fish,humu-humu,porc spine,brittle star,1 condy anemone,1 long tentacle anemone, 1 feather duster,1 pencil urchin,several snails and 3 or 4 hermit...
  6. alejandro

    Anyone Have a Blowfish??

    I have a porcuspine puffer he is amazing but no way I don't trust any puffer on a reef o inv my puffer alredy eat 2 little snails and bite my brittle star, puffers are pretty but kind of agressive, good luck
  7. alejandro

    how often I have feed my lion fish?

    Hi man thanks, what about ghost shrimp, is like live fish o what? because I relly love my lion fish I won't loose him, could somebody explain to me what means silverside?
  8. alejandro

    anyone in atlanta area selling lights

    some body in atlanta area selling good lights systems, or good aquariums where get it?
  9. alejandro

    how often I have feed my lion fish?

    thank you for reply, my lion fish won't eat kril or anything frozen only acept live fish and ghost shrimp, i have trriger an puffer,when i feed them the lion fish go crazy over the food, he want eat everithing
  10. alejandro

    Available for immediate adoption! Clean me out!

    Hi men do you have something left? what about 90 g tank alredy gone e mail me thank you
  11. alejandro

    how often I have feed my lion fish?

    Hello I have a medium volitan lion fish, I don't know how often and how much got to feed him, alredy kill one lion fish for overfeed, I need help please
  12. alejandro

    how often I have to feed my lion fish?

    Hello I have a medium volitan lion fish I have no idea about how often feed him, I guess alredy overfeed one time I need help please