Search results

  1. alejandro

    Puerto Vallarta Pics

    Great pictures I come from Mexico close to Puerto vallarta amazing place to visit.
  2. alejandro

    Fish, Corals, and Critters MUST GO!

    How much? for gold stripe maroon clown and Bubble tip anemone shipping to 30531
  3. alejandro

    Internet Purchases

    great price and service I just have very good experience with internet deals I just order a powder blue tang large last week he's great especially for the price lower than lfs.
  4. alejandro

    Best thing to feed a V Lion Fish?

    Mine eat frozen foods silversides,krill,shrimp,mysis shrimp everything soak in vitamins
  5. alejandro

    55g tank for sale Georgia

    I'am sorry the tank is sold thank you.
  6. alejandro

    55g tank for sale Georgia

    Hi, I have 55 g tank for sale: tank no scratches, black stand, hang on millenium 3000 (wet dry).fluval 204, seaclone 100, stock ligths but upgrades with 50/50 zoo med, stainless steel heater (300 w), 60# of Caribsea aragonite,stock hoods and glass canopies, $380 obo everything is 10 months old I...
  7. alejandro

    Why can't I use a canister filter for a Marine tank?

    I ran fluval 204 on my 55g and xp3 in my 120 g no problems at all.
  8. alejandro

    how fast do volitans grow?

    I bought my volitan 8 months ago around 4 inches now is like 10 12 inches grow very fast
  9. alejandro


    I have big volitan lion fish, star and stripes puffer, picasso and two hermits crabs one blue and one red they keep my sand clean, they been like this for 10 months, never problems
  10. alejandro

    WTB: southdown in hampton roads area

    Jarre- I live in cornelia Ga. close to gainsville, i have alredy my 120g but i can't find southdown yet.
  11. alejandro

    WTB: southdown in hampton roads area

    thank you but the shipping is too high $140 for 100 pounds. thank you anyway.
  12. alejandro

    WTB: southdown in hampton roads area

    hey, man i live in Georgia and i relly need 2 bags can you check the shipping or pick up somewhere i relly need it.
  13. alejandro

    UV sterilizer for sale

    do you still have the uv?, e-mail me
  14. alejandro

    ph problem,nano cube

    thank you i just bought 8.3 ph by seachem, my ph is perfect now thank you.
  15. alejandro

    humma humma triger

    silverside, shrimp,mysis shrimp, anything i put in the tank, even spiruline, brocoli, anything
  16. alejandro

    ph problem,nano cube

    I just started jbj nanocube two weeks the go, I have 20 lbs of aragonite, red sea salt mix and the stock filter i been running for two weeks and still can't reach the right ph i start add buffer by seachem for a week and the reading is 7.3 I don't know what else to do i relly preciatte any help...
  17. alejandro

    150 gallon All Glass Dual Megaflows

    i'am intersted too i relly need 120 or 150 gal send me a e-mail
  18. alejandro

    Tank in or near atlanta?

    because i wanna sell my 55 gal tank i try to buy a bigger tank this is what i have: -55 gal tank (10 months old) -stand -stock lights but with new 50/50 bulbs -hang on millennium 3000 (wet-dry) -fluval canister 204 -skimmer seaclone 100 -around 60 lbs of sand I lived close to gainsville, i...
  19. alejandro

    120Gal Tank/Stand/Canopy Raleigh,NC

    okay, i relly gone try get it early let me know please, my e mail is
  20. alejandro

    Tank in or near atlanta?

    what part of georgia