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  1. alejandro

    120Gal Tank/Stand/Canopy Raleigh,NC

    I can make the trip i think relly worth because over here the prices are too high, but how long you can wait me, because i 'am very very busy right now, i can be free in two weeks
  2. alejandro

    120Gal Tank/Stand/Canopy Raleigh,NC

    Hi, i'am relly interested in your tank, but I lived 6 hours from you, you have any idea about shipping cost?
  3. alejandro

    looking for 90-120 g tank in georgia or close

    sounds good but still need the stand and where i live are 10 hours driving so is little far, thank you.
  4. alejandro

    looking for 90-120 g tank in georgia or close

    I'am looking for 90-125 g tank with stand, may be canopy for sale in georgia or close states. i have 55 g i think is not enogh for my fish so i need buy a new tank. thank you
  5. alejandro

    Free To Good Home!!!!!

    hello friction 32, did you recive my e-mail, if no I live in cornelia ga close to you, i can keep the dragon, i have fowlr agrressive setup, but i don't know if 55g is enogh for this fish
  6. alejandro

    what about probiotics

    yea terry and where buy it
  7. alejandro

    switching from cc to sand, need help

    hello, I read about san and i think gone switch my cc for sand, i have 55g fowlr for 7 months every thing works great but my nitrates are high, I read almost all the treads about switch cc and still have some questions, like what kind of sand do you recomend and were buy it, do i have to wash or...
  8. alejandro

    what about probiotics

    does somebody have experience using probiotics for disease prevention, i been using probiotic marine formula for precision aquarium a month ago but I don't know if is good or not. may somebody had expeerience whit this kind of medicine
  9. alejandro

    sand or crushed coral

    Thank you for you replys, now I have another question, can I change mi cc for sand, i have 7 months with my tank is posible do that
  10. alejandro

    sand or crushed coral

    I have 55g fowlr, on this message boards i read about too many people who have sand bed, i have crushed coral, what is the diference and what is better for fowlr (agressive setup)
  11. alejandro

    help with filter please.

    hello, i have 55 g fowlr I got hang on wet dry filter millennium 3000,canister fluval, and skimmer seaclone, this equipment cost around $150 dlls, and work great my ammonia, nitri,nitra, ph are perfect for fowlr, i think for you 29g could work great r easy to clean,maintenance u can try...
  12. alejandro

    Anemone lighting? How Much?

    I have long tentacle anemone and condy anemone for 6-7 months, with stock lights they r doing very well but anyway I gone get better lights next month
  13. alejandro

    QTing fish purchased from

    karajan is right, you have to quarantine all the fish where ever you buy, sell very good quality fish, but you need quarentine first.
  14. alejandro

    Sick Puffer

    Hey beth one more question what you think about probiotics I begin to use probiotic marine formula for disease prevention i think prevention is the key, I relly apreciatte if you have information about probiotics.
  15. alejandro

    Sick Puffer

    Hi thank you beth for reply, and yes i think I made a big mistake when put my puffer on my qt and when I place him on my display tank and when i put him back on myqt he inflate two or three times I relly feel bad about him, I'll take more care next time. by the way do you relly think 55 g is...
  16. alejandro

    Sick Puffer

    yes beth, I follow you recomendation about maracyn, but unfortunely my fish die last night, I did not have enogh time for hypo thank you.
  17. alejandro

    Sick Puffer

    My parameters are: ammonia-0,nitrite-0,ph-8.3,nitrato-25,salinity-1.022, my volitan and trigger are great, by the way my puffer start swiming a little bit more but still don't eat, How long I have to keep him in my qt?
  18. alejandro

    Sick Puffer

    Hello, I have a porcurpine puffer (2-3 inches) around a month, he been doing very well but last sunday just stop eating, don't swim just keep on the bottom, he lost his color, fast breathing, I usualy feed him with brine srhimp,gosht shirmp, guppies, krill. I put him on my qt with maracyn and...
  19. alejandro

    Finally pics of my tank

    nice tank, do you have seaclone skimmer? how this work
  20. alejandro

    tumor on my puffer

    Thank you, mi parameters are ammonia-0,nitite-0,ph-8.3, nitrate-25, I don't think is a tumor, only he bent his belly i look close and don't looks like a tumor, My puffer is around 2-3 inches, I'm still worry about him because looks very quiet don't swim too much, won't eat the color back but...