Search results

  1. alejandro

    huge decoration coral for sale/trade

    Can I see pics please, and how much you asking for?
  2. alejandro

    80 pounds live rock in Michigan

    you have pics or what kind of live rock is.
  3. alejandro

    Emporer Angel In Mass 4 sale

    Hi kim would you relly be interested on ship the fish please let me know, I love to have such amazing fish, my mail is
  4. alejandro

    Emporer Angel In Mass 4 sale

    I'am still very interested on the fish I hope we can work out something.Thank you
  5. alejandro

    Emporer Angel In Mass 4 sale

    Would you ship to 30531 I'am very interested.
  6. alejandro

    Little giant pump for sale or trade

    Is very quiet, my zip code is 30531 like I say is only 6 months old I used on my old skimmer I get another skimmer so I don't need it any more.
  7. alejandro

    Little giant pump for sale or trade

    is a 4-MDQ-SC I could let it go for $70 plus shippping.
  8. alejandro


    shoogieboo, Little giant is a external water pump rated for 810 gph and the model 4-MDQ-SC means that this pump is for use in pressure situations like in-line filters, skimmers etc.
  9. alejandro


    I have a Little Giant Model 4-MDQ-SC used for six months very good condition $65 plus shipping.
  10. alejandro

    Little giant pump for sale or trade

    Little Giant water pump (external) used for 6 months very good condition asking $80 plus shipping or trade for a Mag 12 submersible pump.
  11. alejandro

    Aaaahhhh!!! Every Time!!!

    How much for 15" long Volitain lion? would you ship to 30531 I'am looking for one I have 120 g with one yellow tang, maroon clownfish and small fuzzy, I probably have enough room for the lion fish.
  12. alejandro

    purple tang and blue tang

    I have skimmer ETSS 800 clon I bought it on ---- but is too big for fit on my stand I used for one month, I can trade in for the purple or blue tang neither one.
  13. alejandro

    Fallen Comrades

    sorry man I know what that is like feel real bad.
  14. alejandro

    FS/FT: Pair of Gold Striped Maroon Clowns (BayArea, Ca)

    If you would ship I'am intersted .
  15. alejandro

    New 125 Gal Reef Tank Set Up Forsale Ne Ohio

    how much for Double Helix 18 Watt Ultra Violet Sterlizer and Large, scratch resistance Algae Magnet shipped to 30531?
  16. alejandro

    im leavin

    How much for Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish and yellow polyps shipping to 30531
  17. alejandro

    Anything for sale in GA

    I have Dolphin DP-900 pump rated for 900 gal/hr can be used submersible/on line used for one month I live close to Gainesville $45.
  18. alejandro

    Help me reduce nitrates! Please!

    Get rid of the cc inmediatly replace it for sand the cc have to be vacuum at least every week change the cc for sand help you a little bit with you nitrate problem.
  19. alejandro

    115 pounds LR And Much More

    I live in Georgia like 3 hours from you I'am relly looking for live rock could you wait until next weekend? I can pickup and let me know if $250 is the last price, because I don't need the live sand you can e-mailme thank you. Alex.
  20. alejandro

    Puerto Vallarta Pics

    yes i'am very close the coastal area, of course there are times of the year much better for snorkeing like end of the summer (dry summer) by the way like 3-4 hours from PV is a great place for snorkel El Muelle de San Blas in Tepic no too many people know about it is more for local folks but...