how often I have feed my lion fish?


Hello I have a medium volitan lion fish, I don't know how often and how much got to feed him, alredy kill one lion fish for overfeed, I need help please


Active Member
Just feed it a few pieces of krill, squidd, silversides, etc every other day... If its stomach starts to bulge at all then stop feeding.


thank you for reply, my lion fish won't eat kril or anything frozen only acept live fish and ghost shrimp, i have trriger an puffer,when i feed them the lion fish go crazy over the food, he want eat everithing

bang guy

If by live fish you mean goldfish then that's going to kill it.
You really need to teach it to accept frozen silversides & lancefish.


Active Member
Bang Guy is correct. Feeding live fish will lead to fat deposits on vital organs (liver) and they can introduce pathogens unknown to your saltwater specimens that can cause disease. Lionfish are usually quite easy to break from live foods. All it takes is patients and a feeding stick (usually clear acrylic.) Once you get them on prepared foods, it is super easy to feed them. The only lion I kept ate squid, silversides, krill, clam, etc. Good luck.


Hi man thanks, what about ghost shrimp, is like live fish o what? because I relly love my lion fish I won't loose him, could somebody explain to me what means silverside?