Search results

  1. mechslave

    Preparing garlic food?

    Thanks for the response. I did try mincing up fresh cloves. Not a lot of juice really comes out of each one, but I think I got it soaked pretty good. A couple of fish even ate the little pieces of garlic floating around. Thanks again!
  2. mechslave

    Preparing garlic food?

    I've seen some people post about feeding their fish garlic soaked food to help their immune system/ick/etc. Can anyone post the procedure and product you use when preparing the garlic soaked food? Like is there some liquid form of garlic that you buy? Do you grind up pure cloves? etc? Thanks!
  3. mechslave

    A Week old Aquairum/ What fish?

    I agree with the consensus of what most on here are saying. When you get info from here, everyone has the best interests of your fish and your tank in mind. The store is a business which must make a profit. My tank is 2 months old, with live sand and live rock, and I'm JUST NOW considering...
  4. mechslave

    Sterilizer or Protein Skimmer? Both? Neither?

    Thanks for the response! Ok, so it sounds like a protein skimmer is actually more important for a reef tank, so that's what I'll start with. I kind of thought that from what I've read. A sterilizer sounds like something that I'd want my fish store to use on their holding tanks. Ok, so a...
  5. mechslave

    Sterilizer or Protein Skimmer? Both? Neither?

    I've got a new cycling setup and I'm trying to absorb all the info I can. I went to a LFS I hadn't been to yet yesterday, fully intending to buy a protein skimmer. And he told me that a sterilizer is more important than a protein skimmer. He said the sterilizer will slow the growth of the...
  6. mechslave

    Brown Sand

    My new 110 is going through the same thing, and has been for the past week. I have nothing in mine yet but about 10 lbs of LR and 8 damsels. But today I added 10 small hermit crabs, and OMG!! That stuff is like filet mignon to them. The brown was almost all nearly gone in a few hours...
  7. mechslave

    seahorse in reef tank?

    i know seahorses can't be kept with fish for the most part.. has anyone found a breed or species of sea horse that can, or had any success keeping the two together... a larger seahorse or something? Anyone tried?
  8. mechslave

    110 gal lights for anemones?

    Thanks! OK, so what do you guys think about this light package? Are there good and bad brands in metal halide lights?
  9. mechslave

    110 gal lights for anemones?

    I just set up a 110 gal tank with dims: 18deepx28tallx48wide. The tank came with 2 32W aquarium lights. What kind of additional lights will I need to healthily keep anemones and corals? Can anyone be specific with what models and setups they are using on similar sized tanks with success...