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  1. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    ok, you got it
  2. fcatch76

    NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!

    Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 yeah, well there is a little knob on the pump and it was pretty much on low.. So i turned it and instanly nocited alot more flow oh wait, I have the skimmer, wonder if that makes a difference because I don't remember a knob.
  3. fcatch76

    NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!

    low??? I didn't know they had a setting?? You have the small cpr fuge right?
  4. fcatch76

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    I don't have a way to do it but my idea for a banner pic or mascot for the nano reefers would be a large shark or other fish (cartoonish style drawing) coming out of a really small tank (nano). I could hand draw this but no way to transfer to a jpeg or gif. Anyone is free to use the idea if the...
  5. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    not in this weather, but later on of course!
  6. fcatch76

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    emailed you Nissan!
  7. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    only one??
  8. fcatch76

    NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!

    nice, how much chaeto did you start with? Also, is that cyano growing all over the top? I've been getting a green slime algae on mine.
  9. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    $10-$12 a head
  10. fcatch76

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    Originally Posted by <scuba steve> You can easily replace the fans in your hood. They are normally under the splash guard. They are just computer fans, so look for the fastest speeds ate the lowest sound rating and you will be set. I did this in my 24 gallon aquapod. really..
  11. fcatch76

    NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!

    how about some pics of that fuge??
  12. fcatch76

    pls help fast fish dead

    Dissolved oxygen analysis measures the amount of gaseous oxygen dissolved in an aqueous solution. Oxygen gets into water by diffusion from the surrounding air, by aeration (rapid movement), and as a waste product of photosynthesis. When performing the dissolved oxygen test, only grab samples...
  13. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 WOW!!!! looking great dude, love the vids.. If you decide to frag any acans let me know, i could go for 3 or 4 polyps pm'd
  14. fcatch76

    pls help fast fish dead

    how did she test the oxygen in a sample of water??
  15. fcatch76

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    Originally Posted by fishstick4sale cant wait to see it man, post tons of pics i own a biocube 29 also. thats the link for the upgrade me and fcatch did its a great upgrade lets u hold a lil more coral than the standard lights it comes with...
  16. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by nissan577 WOW fcatch! tank is super! i love it lots! man hows everything? Originally Posted by redsea awesome tank! Thank you both, I'm starting to get excited about the RSM, should only be a short wait now.
  17. fcatch76

    All Of My New Fish Are Dead!!!!! Need Some Help.

    do you mean a Mandarin? Seems like your acclimating is a bit quick, but you should post your tank specs to help others help you.
  18. fcatch76

    Help Fcatch with the naming!

    as an update, my wife and I, FINALLY came to an agreement. We took Massimo and Matteo and combined to find Maceo- (May-see-oh) meaning gift of G.o.d. Everyone voting for Matteo would be happy to know the new name is a form of Matteo. Thanks for your help and once the little guy is born I will...
  19. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    and some vids, if I did it right: the 14:
  20. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    can't forget Bob, Shamu and Orca