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  1. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by Bdhb12 I wana be a kid again and you can be my other dad!!!! I wish I had a sweet room like that as a child! Very nice setup though! great parenting skills!!! thx..
  2. fcatch76

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    Originally Posted by fishstick4sale im keeping the stocks, and adding 2 50/50 so i will be left with one solid actinic that 1 will b my only rising and setting sun mode :)! question so the tank isnt any much brighter? the lights r distributed better i would imagine no dark spots anywhere am i...
  3. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by nissan577 it looks fantastic man! that baby is gonna be lucky to have a dad like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats man! I hope he feels lucky!
  4. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    nothing left but the tank..., well maybe some more coral on the walls later on!
  5. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

  6. fcatch76

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    the problem with that is you cannot simulate sunrise/ sunset as you will run two on and then all four
  7. fcatch76

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    fish, the 50/50 is still one 36 watt lamp, just runs 50 Act. 50 10k. My lighting schedule works w/ both act. on and the 10k + 50/50. I did this to get a more blue balance to my tank.
  8. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by fishstick4sale fcatch please check out my post i need your help thank u... your tank looks nice, i love those zo's freakin nice man. wow and that 14 bio has a beautiful rock set up. replied in your thread, HTH...
  9. fcatch76

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    fish, sorry I wasn't around, PM me next time, it might get my attention quicker. Ok, I will do this as simple as possible, here is why I did not buy halides and did the nanotuner: Clean look of closed hood I have three cats I will soon have a child running around that could throw stuff in open...
  10. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    thx Nissan, yes that is me on the floor to the right, my sister is on the left and then the dog and cat. His tank isn't officially setup until the RSM250 comes, but his stuff goes to the 29 and I think BOb is going into the RSM.
  11. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

  12. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

  13. fcatch76

    Help Fcatch with the naming!

    good, good. She is really starting to show which helps me be at ease. We are 3/4 way done with his room, pics to follow of course.
  14. fcatch76

    Help Fcatch with the naming!

    does it show.....sorry
  15. fcatch76

    Help Fcatch with the naming!

    Massimo is slowly creeping...come on people!!
  16. fcatch76

    CPR Aquafuge 2 Small w/Protein Skimmer

    2 shaving brushes, Cheato, Sea lettuce, live rock and copepods from Oh and a 4" sand bed.
  17. fcatch76

    Biocube 29g temp problems

    many members keep their tanks around 80-81, mine right now sits at 78-79. Summer seasons, even with central air my tanks get around 79-81 depending.
  18. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by nissan577 thankyou! and are you gonna make another diary for the new one? not sure, it was so much easier with the 14 and 29 doing them together...guess we'll see
  19. fcatch76

    Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary

    Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 DUDE you not going to believe this, my six line was in my rear chambers.. I so wanted to get a pic but cam was dead. So anyways i moved him in my 24g and he loves his new home I love the tank, im going to get a tattoo of your tank sunday my sixline always...
  20. fcatch76

    Biocube 29g temp problems

    the 81 degrees is ok, but you want to get the rigth size heater first of all. You should shoot for <2 degree temp change on a daily basis.