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  1. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by nissan577 i was downloading it but it took to long! lol. man i hope you keep the thread here! update it here as well! tell wife im sorry lol, she forgives you!! And yes I will keep this updated as it was where it all started.
  2. fcatch76

    Help Fcatch with the naming!

    my Massimo is losing the battle....
  3. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by nissan577 wooooooooooohooooooooooo!!!!!!! be sure to bring this tank! just incase we need to take more pics of her carrying it out the car to my room! , good one!! Well my Red Sea Max 250 is officially pre-ordered and their is a new vid available: Click the Windows...
  4. fcatch76

    Help Fcatch with the naming!

    thank you to everyone who has posted, glad to see so many responses!!
  5. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by nissan577 awman! i got it let her be moving the stuff around while you take pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she a big strong girl! , oh wait til I tell her you said that...road trip to nissan's house!!
  6. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    preordered through the depot of marine last night. ETA is some time in March...ugh. It will be interesting moving everything around. I will have my wife taking pictures of the whole, she will be helping
  7. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    oh and yes, lets make a deal on the 14, you have first dibs...check your email!
  8. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    Originally Posted by nissan577 dam man. well that made sense the first part. you can sell me the 14g. and goodluck Yeah I just told the guy to refund my payment as he was quoting me 4-5 hundred in s/h. His original was $175....said that was a mistake...gee you think!! So over to the depot of...
  9. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    here comes the confusion, All the stuff from the 29 goes into the RSM and the 14 goes into the 29, then I sell the 14 and maybe buy other stuff for the RSM. Mr X. sold me some acans and favia the other day on that other site and that will go into the RSM. Does that make sense??? The company...
  10. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story am so excited, can't wait!! Hope they ship that sucker fast!!
  11. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    and so it has been done. I have won my auction today on e-store for the RSM250. Does this mean I am kicked out of nano-ing?? Except for my 29 of course, now my son gets the 29, he upgraded before he was born....what a kid...
  12. fcatch76

    Logan's 24g Aquapod

    for your mandarin: some guy on you tube was showing a feeding process using clear tube and a syringe to pump food directly at the mandarin. The mandarin watches the food slide through the tube and gets curious. I have tried this and its now the new way for me to feed my mandarin. HTH and of...
  13. fcatch76

    Help Fcatch with the naming!

    Mary, Middle name is going to be Joseph. Both Massimo and Maximo would be shortened to Max. Both names are derived from Maximiliano, saw that ten times fast.
  14. fcatch76

    Help Fcatch with the naming!

    Hello Teresa: My name is Frank Cachioli ( F- for Frank, catch for catch-e-oli and 76 for 1976 YOB). Ok, so now the breakdown is out of the way. Go here and check my diary for how this tank started and why there is so much whoppla surrounding the name of my child...
  15. fcatch76

    Help Fcatch with the naming!

    Nissan, this gave me a great chuckle, thanks for doing this! My vote remains: Massimo- also meaning, the greatest, but not as an arrogant greatness, rather the greatest gift for my wife and I. We are thrilled to be blessed with this little guy to come. Will post picks of his Nemo themed room...
  16. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    no, just keep arguing about it lol. I am stucking to my guns about Massimo, even Maximo, now Matteo is in the mix. This poor kid will be coming home without a name....
  17. fcatch76

    Do You Use "Cycle"?

    tried it and worked beautifully, cycled my 29 in 6 days!!
  18. fcatch76

    NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!

    looks nice nano!! congrats
  19. fcatch76

    Never Again!

    my sixline, although not with me anymore (exchange for credit), I will never purchase one again!!
  20. fcatch76

    Our 29 Biocube and story

    ohhhhhhh, I remember the days of young love. Keep your chin up, it will work out the way it is designed to, don't stress over it!!