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  1. slothy

    few pics

    nice pics... i like your "stool"
  2. slothy

    Color 6-pak

    i think that call that oral candy coral.. most men perfer that species for some reason lol
  3. slothy

    Color 6-pak

    plum, actually most of them are on my 4mp f-100..
  4. slothy

    Color 6-pak

    need a lil color in your life ? (photoshop'd)
  5. slothy

    OT Recent debates over SUVs

    ummm where in the .... did that come from ?
  6. slothy

    If I was rich.......(look at this tank!)

    very nice, id go broke with his feeding schedule lol...
  7. slothy

    What camera do you recommend for pics

    minolta F-100 :)
  8. slothy

    OT: Customer Service

    ya ive had the sorta the same story with the cable guy, but he gladly took a beer for his "troubles" lol
  9. slothy

    new tankmates

    not anymore agressive than my firefish lol.. swims around all day.. very active.
  10. slothy

    new tankmates

    6-line wrasse or a pair of clowns
  11. slothy

    cleaner wrasse

    no they wont , but they tend to not fair well in the aquarium though for some reason..
  12. slothy

    How high and where?

    acutally, i would go with 250 (price diff is very lil), and keep the sps/clams middle to top.. they love light..
  13. slothy

    pepermint & brittlestar?

    hehe i love my brown brittle.. hehe.. hes like a dog (sortA) put food in the tank, and it knows where to go , to get spot fed.. still working the heal/roll over tricks.. but hes learning eheh.. peppermint shrimp can be nice or thay can be devils, the one i had started to eat my corals so he...
  14. slothy

    How high and where?

    i have a 40 (glass) with 250 mh w/ 150 vho my mh is about 8" from water line with vho about 4" from water line i dont know how close u can get with acrylic tops
  15. slothy

    Where do you get your MH bulbs.

    well since SWF doesnt sell them i hope this link is okay 250watt 6.5k saki for 60 bucks i think
  16. slothy

    First order from SWF.Com... very very pleased so far.

    ill 2nd that, everything i ordered from them is still alive and doing well 7 months later
  17. slothy

    gelatin ?

    haha god i hope your wrong on the gelatin being made outa bone deal.. cause ill never eat jello again ahaha
  18. slothy

    gelatin ?

    :: Dumb ? of the day :: heheh always wondered what the purpose of gelatin in the frozen fish foods is for ? some have it , some dont :confused:
  19. slothy


    i would for a few days.. it will be brighter for them eheh thats for sure..
  20. slothy

    What the #@$%?

    You sure it didn’t molt? Their molts are a full replica of them...