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  1. crcoachm

    125 Gal. Set-up

    coming close to Ohio anytime soon?
  2. crcoachm

    Sea Clone 100 Skimmer

    namo are you putting the filter pad where the water runs back into the tank. I to sometimes have this bubble problem. But with some adjusting and waiting it usually goes away.
  3. crcoachm

    125 tank

    Where is a good place to find a 125 gallon tank for reef system with overflows. Can be glass or acrylic any help would be great. Thanks:p
  4. crcoachm

    125 Gal. Set-up

    do you have a pic that you could post?
  5. crcoachm

    Can I keep an anemone?

    just curious if you picked anything out yet:)
  6. crcoachm

    new tank FINALLY here!

    I wish I could do a room divider, but I have a old farm house. There is just no real good spot to do this. I will let you know how things go, I won't be able to get started till after christmas, with this new project. But we are pretty sure we are kinda going to use your tank as our model!! I...
  7. crcoachm

    new tank FINALLY here!

    Thanks for more pics!! Does the tank have one overflow at the end only? Are you also running VHO lighting 3 bulbs? Sorry for all the question, but trying my best to learn as much as I can. Getting very excited about getting 125 tank. Hopefully santa will be good!!!
  8. crcoachm

    new tank FINALLY here!

    thank you Look forward to seeing them!!!:D
  9. crcoachm

    new tank FINALLY here!

    we are looking into upgrading or 75 and getting a 125. I think I may use your pictures to help make the base and top, if you don't mind. Where at in ohio did you have work done. I live by Lima nad Findlay. If you have any more pics of inside your top and base I would really like to see them...
  10. crcoachm

    new tank FINALLY here!

    did you used to have this tank for sale back in July? I remember seeing the wooden fish on top. Very nice tank. Do you have the plans for the top and bottom for your cabinets? I would be interested in buying the plans from you. :p
  11. crcoachm

    Live Rock IN Ohio....Forsale

    still got it or what? I live by Lima and Findlay Leave post.
  12. crcoachm

    feeding time

    Aaron What do you use for filtering
  13. crcoachm

    show pics of refugiums

    fishman You say a pod are good and they are tiny. I think I may have them. These that I have remind me a lot of a nat. Real small have to really look for them. They hang around my feather duster rock. Probaly like 100 of them. Do you think these are called pod?
  14. crcoachm

    yeah I am a little new

    so much stuff! So small brain:D
  15. crcoachm

    feeding time

    When you feed your fish do you also turn off your filiters? And just leave on the powerheads?:rolleyes: Till they are done eating
  16. crcoachm

    show pics of refugiums

    where are you going to put the 55 tank. Beside to look at? So basically you will have 2 salt tanks. one with your fish and another to make healthy clean water. Right, am I on the right track or am I missing the bus?lol
  17. crcoachm

    yeah I am a little new

    so we are talking live rock then?
  18. crcoachm

    show pics of refugiums

    a pod is?
  19. crcoachm

    show pics of refugiums

    I am a little new to this. Are these a type of filter? I see live rock and plants, why are they not in the tank?
  20. crcoachm

    what the heck is this?!

    oh I only see mine at night and it is on the glass. I have not seen it on the rocks. So anyone else have any ideas?