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  1. crcoachm

    what the heck is this?!

    is the "legs" real thin? looks kinda like a spider? With a very thin small longer body? Legs can shrink up and also go out to about 2 inches
  2. crcoachm

    yeah I am a little new

    What is a FRAG?
  3. crcoachm

    Aqua Clear 150 Pro Series Wet/dry...100+shipping

    Could you send me a pic Thanks
  4. crcoachm

    Fisk Tank 4 Sale

    couldn't handed hobby because of to big of tank? Or the price to keep up with a large tank? Just being nosey!!
  5. crcoachm

    90gal tank, stand & canopy $350.00 in Mi

    Is the tank 48 inches long?
  6. crcoachm


    This is what I found on the site 48" 4x65w Coralife Aqualight CF Hood 2x Actinic and 2x 10,000-straight pin $223.95 This would be going on a 75 gallon tank with live rock and some mushrooms and DSB. Would this be a good choice? Is there something else I should consider? Right now I am using the...
  7. crcoachm

    Stir up sand ?

    I just did the same thing a few weeks ago also. A couple of the snails have been digging along the glass to get the algae. But I still have some there. Doesn't seem to be a problem. It is not growing. If it bothers you go ahead a pull the sand out slowly and then scrub along the glass.
  8. crcoachm


    Where on the web is the best place to buy 4 foot compact lighting for a 75 gallon tank? Saltwaterfish does not sell lights, right?
  9. crcoachm


    we have had him for a week He has looked great for the whole time till last night now this morning he is looking better but not quite back to "normal"
  10. crcoachm


    we are feeding krill to him. usually 1 about every other day
  11. crcoachm


    old is the tank we'll that is a hard question. I have had the tank for 1 week. I bought it used, he had it up a running for 2 years. I took all his water and everthing and set it up here. Parameters are getting high ( think I am over feeding ) saltinity is ok everthing else is just on the high...
  12. crcoachm


    what does a anenome do when they die? My shrunk up and got real small. :confused:
  13. crcoachm

    snow flake eel

    Any one interested in my snow flake eel. He is about 12 inches long. He eats well, shrimp, krill, 2-3 times a day. I have live rock with sand. he needs a cave like place to stay likes to dig the sand to make his place nice and cozy. I hand feed him also. I have been told they are very hard...
  14. crcoachm

    is it worth it

    Yes I would like to get pics on here. We have a digital video camera with memory stick. I just don't know how to get them from there to here. My wife is looking into haow to do it. so hopefully I will have something soon.;)
  15. crcoachm

    chocale chip star fish

    I have a chocolate chip star fish in with live rock with corals and mushrooms and such. I have read this star is not good in this setup. Is this true? do I need to remove him or just watch and see what he does? Thanks:confused:
  16. crcoachm

    Snow flake eel

    I have a snowflake eel in a 75 gallon tank with other clowns and a tang, live rock and a few corals Is he ok to be in there, Ijust got the tank and he came with it, not real thrilled to have him. I have to feed him by hand with krill and shrimp. Is he going to be to aggressive? thanks
  17. crcoachm

    is it worth it

    we'll I got the whole set up and all his supplies for 300. I think I did pretty well. I switched to sand right away, we used a peice of plastic to keep the water from moving and it worked great no cloudness or flying said. Thanks everone Everthing is up and running we are on day 2 now. Still...
  18. crcoachm

    How much sand?

    I used 120 lbd for my 75 gallon have about 2 1/2 inches
  19. crcoachm

    frozen brine shrimp

    Ok so now I have a packet of frozen brine shrimp they are all in small cubes do I just throw one frozen one in or do you need to dethaw them first thanks :confused:
  20. crcoachm

    protein skimmer going crazy

    ok after the night in teh morning the skimmer was all most all teh way full I empty it and now there is bubbles below the cup but nothing coming up inside the cup Normal? thanks I am a newby at my best