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  1. jsb

    Alkalinity Level ?

    Kip, I just started using B-ionic, but I have a Marine Lab test kit. Where are some places to find the salifert tests kits. Every place I go has Marine Lab.
  2. jsb

    Alkalinity Level ?

    Kip, Why is 4 and 440 a good goal. Would I want to shoot for near sea water? I not questioning you, just want to know the reason behind it. I just start dosing and my levels as of last night are 400Ca, and probably 2.00Meg/L. My chart only has 1.7 and 2.2, but the color isn't quite 2.2, so...
  3. jsb

    POD Depletion???

    You know. My pods have been disappearing too, although I have a fat little Scooter Blennie too.:D
  4. jsb

    Opinions please

    What do you guys think about over driving lights. I was introduced to this process, and wondered if anyone has tried with much success. It seems to be quite an inexpensive route to getting good light for some corals.
  5. jsb

    b-ionic dosing?

    Originally posted by gregvabch hookedonreefs, can you email me the link? Ditto on the link:jumping:
  6. jsb

    b-ionic dosing?

    Okay...That sounds good. No I haven't read it. Is it here on the forum? I could do a search i guess.
  7. jsb

    b-ionic dosing?

    Thanks, That's what I started doing after the first two doses. And you comfirming that for me makes me feel better about my dosing method. If you can remember, how long did it take to get your levels up? I do weekly water changes vs. monthly. Will this slow the process? Thanks again!
  8. jsb

    Types of Fish

    I wouldn't base my desicion off of one site you found. You'll find out that these decriptions will vary. I made a mistake and bought a spotted puffer (one of the smaller puffers) and they described it as peaceful. After a week my Clown looked like he had been lunch. After further research I...
  9. jsb

    b-ionic dosing?

    Good thread. I just started dosing as well, but I'm on the other end. I started with 1.7(meg/l) and 450ish Ca. I started dosing the Alk with out the Ca, and after two doses my Ca has dropped dramatically. So now after two more doses and adding the Ca part on the last two,My Alk is at 2.2ish...
  10. jsb

    Airsoft guns?

    I'm embarassed to admit this, but I'm 31 and several of my friends have these guns and shoot each other with them all the time. They have guns that just spray bbs like mad. I swear I don't know what they're thinking when they do this. They often record it and watch it later. It quite funny...
  11. jsb

    do fish fins heal

    I had a puffer chew on my Clowns fins, and they grew back.
  12. jsb

    Did my Turbos have babies???

    Hmm. I'll have to look closer. I know the ones your talking about. I find those in the sand some times. These are really small. I little smaller than the snails mentioned, but I'll check.
  13. jsb

    Nice Watch Owners

    Originally posted by 007 Nice watch JSB! I wish it was mine. It's definitely my favorite, but not mine...yet. I was looking at buying one back in 95, it had the white face instead, but the engagement ring took precedence at the time. Now I want it, but they of course don't make it, so I'm...
  14. jsb

    Nice Watch Owners

    This is my favorite watch F1 series Tag.
  15. jsb

    Shells for Hobby Lobby? msg

    I bought some shells from the Wal Mart craft section. I boiled them about 10 minutes, and placed them in the tank. So far two crabs have moved into the new shells.
  16. jsb

    Did my Turbos have babies???

    I noticed Saturday night that I have 14 (at least thats all I could see) little snails sucking on my back glass. 14! That would be so cool. I wish I had a camera that could take close up pics.
  17. jsb

    what brand of salt is everyone using?

    Instant Ocean since the beginning...which has been 6 months or so.
  18. jsb

    Boosting Coraline growth

    Well I'm by no means a pro at this, but I'll share what I've done so far and what I've been told. Adding Ca alone won't necessarily do the trick. There are other things that need to be apart of the equation. The reason why I say this is I added Ca in hopes that my coraline algea would take...
  19. jsb

    Who is gonna win??

    I'm going for Dallas, but I don't know if we have it in us to win this year. For those who think we stole the Stars from MN, need to think that over...You can't buy what's not for sale. Plus I've been going to Stars games since they came down here, and if I remember correctly when they came...
  20. jsb

    Should I try some Baking Soda??

    Awesome info/guidance guys - Thanks! I'll figure out my average. I got the 8.0 after about 20 mins of light. I'll check into a more commercial buffer too. I was thinking Baking Soda would be less expensive, but if I can create problems easier with that, maybe I shold check the commercial...