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  1. jsb

    ugly sand

    I want to make sure I understand this correctly. The purple/black spotting on the front of my sand bed is from sun light? What if you don't have direct sun light hitting your tank? My bulbs need replacing, and I keep them on for 10 hours. I thought it was some sort of die off, and I was just...
  2. jsb

    Should I buy turbos?

    I've recently lost a few of my turbos. I had then for almost a year. The LBS said that they live between 6 months to a year and a half. Is this true, or is this guy talking about his rear? Anyway, I have one turbo still, and 4 scarlets. I have very little if any algea that I can see, would...
  3. jsb

    Is this something I should look more into

    Okay...Sorry about the delay. I've got a crazy schedule this week. I checked the inlet like squidd mentioned. We were cool there. I tried to take that Dang screw out, but felt like I was going to break it. I couldn't get it to move with out breaking the soft plastic. With that said it was...
  4. jsb

    Is this something I should look more into

    You know I completely forgot about that screw. I'll check that too. Thanks guys.
  5. jsb

    Is this something I should look more into

    Cool...I'll check that. Thanks! On a side note. I have a ton of those little hitchhiker snails that congregate around where the pump sucks water from. I wonder if those little ____ are causing a problem.
  6. jsb

    Is this something I should look more into

    It's a HOB Aqua C Remora(sp)
  7. jsb

    Is this something I should look more into

    I did my water change yesterday, and noticed this morning that my aqua c isn't producing the bubbles it was before. I thought this was normal after cleaning it, but I thought by the end of the day I should be seeing more bubbles. What's going on? This morning when I was getting ready for...
  8. jsb

    I posted a thread about 2 months ago about carbons and bio wheels. Results!

    I'm guessing close to 50lbs. I started with about 25lbs, and bought about 20 lbs of dried out LR. So how should I measure that. Dry weight or wet weight? I've got some extra pieces that are really small. I was thinking of putting those in the emperor. In place of the carbons. Any thoughts...
  9. jsb

    I posted a thread about 2 months ago about carbons and bio wheels. Results!

    It has been nearly two months now that I have removed my carbons, and my bio wheel from my emperor. I have my AquaC skimmer running the show. Let me put it to you this way...ALL MY ALGEA IS GONE!!!!! My tank had constant out breaks of algea. It would cover my entire sand bed. I'd have to...
  10. jsb

    Show me your blennies, peoples.

    I suppose I'll throw in scooter! BTW, why do my images always show up as a link?
  11. jsb

    scooter blenny starving?????

    I've tried brine, which he eats as long as he can catch it. It seems like the other firsh I have eat fast and he doesn't get as much as he needs in my opinion.
  12. jsb

    How important is the protein skimmer

    That's all I'm basically running now with the exception of LR, and a Sand bed. I had an emporer and the skimmer, but I took out the bio wheel and the carbons. So far so good. Once I got rid of the nitrate factories the algea started dieing off. I also have the maxijet 1200 on mine, and It's...
  13. jsb

    Question about emperor filters

    Update on this method... So far with weekly water changes my algea has pretty much disappeared on the sand bed. There is a small amount still growing on some of my rock. I think it's working. As of Sunday my levels were looking good. My Cal. has dropped a bit but I think that's due to my Alk...
  14. jsb

    Help control the pod population....have your pod spayed or neutered

    My tank went through that. I had so many they were all over the glass. I bought a scooter, and now they are what appears to be depleted. Now I'm having to feed him brine and such. He's doing alright but he's not as fat as he was.
  15. jsb

    Has my salt gone bad?

    Great feed back guys...Thanks alot. I actually have a bucket I was keeping some dried LR in, I guess I need to clean it out and make the switch.
  16. jsb

    Question about emperor filters

    See that's what I was thinking. How often do you change the carbons? Once a month or sooner. Also I was talking to this guy who tried putting his smaller left over peices of LR in the Emperor instead of carbons. He hasn't had it in there long enough to see any results though. After 24 hours...
  17. jsb

    kids want finding nemo tank

    I told my son that the coral beaty was Dori, but he quickly corrected me, and told me the colors were all wrong. THose dang kids!:thinking:
  18. jsb

    35g stocking question

    Hey I got the same two you bought when I started. I have a 37 gallon, but it's not a hex. I went with adding a coral beauty. It's a very nice fish. Here's a picture of it. Nevermind, I can't get it small enough. Here are a couple of links instead.
  19. jsb

    Question about emperor filters

    Okay, it's done. I cleaned out the emperor, and put it back in without the bio wheel, or the carbons. I'll post updates as I see changes.
  20. jsb

    Has my salt gone bad?

    Sorry, I haven't responded back until now. What I did was crush it up like lion crazz mentioned and added to my water. In my water changing container of course. Ran the power head like usual. I went to a swim/cook out, and checked it when I came back. It appeared to be working as normal. I...