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  1. ivy2dw7

    ideas for 29g fowlr setup

    Mwahaha, I got my boyfriend into the hobby! :D He has a friend in his apartment complex that is trading his 29g setup for my boyfriend's PS2 (which he doesn't need anyways). It just has regular flourescent lights and he doesn't want to make it a reef anyways so that works out. I'm just trying...
  2. ivy2dw7

    underwater camera

    I'm going on a Caribbean cruise in June and I found out just now that Sony doesn't make an underwater cover for my camera (cybertshot DSC-P32). So I decided to ask around on here to see what all most of you have used on your dive/snorkelling vacations. I won't be doing any scuba-diving, not...
  3. ivy2dw7

    underwater cameras

    I'm going on a Caribbean cruise in June and I found out just now that Sony doesn't make an underwater cover for my camera (cybertshot DSC-P32). So I decided to ask around on here to see what all most of you have used on your dive/snorkelling vacations. I won't be doing any scuba-diving, not...
  4. ivy2dw7

    lighting ?

    I currently have a 37g "cube" (not really exact cube) with a 24" Coralife lunar aqualight over top. 130w - 65 10,000k day, 65 true actinic 03 blue and 2 lunar LEDs. I only have a few softies right now but I had a thought. Could I get a MH spotlight to hang in the front of the tank to up the...
  5. ivy2dw7

    timers for lights

    I was wondering how everyone deals with turning all of the lights on/off. I've heard a lot of people talk about having each light on timers, but how do you have enough room for 2-4 timers? All the ones I have seen are huge and only work for one plug. For the past few months I've just been...
  6. ivy2dw7

    Can I put them in now?

    I bought a pair of orange skunk clowns from my TRUSTWORTHY (important :P) lfs a little over a week ago. They have 6 saltwater tanks there, and in the past few months only 2 of them have had outbreaks of ich, neither of these 2 contained the pair of clowns I purchased. I know that they have...
  7. ivy2dw7

    dragonets and blennies

    I just thought of something. How are you supposed to quarantine a mandarin dragonet or a lawnmower blenny for 2-3 weeks if all they eat are copepods..? I'm not planning on getting one any time soon but that just popped into my head as I was looking at all the tiny critters coming out of the...
  8. ivy2dw7

    orange skunks and corals

    I know that orange skunk clowns work well with many anenomes but I was wondering if anyone who has skunk clowns has seen a common coral that hosts them. I currently only have green star polyps and ricordea mushrooms, but will be planning on getting more (toadstool, frogspawn, hammer, etc) and...
  9. ivy2dw7

    orange skunk clowns

    I just went out and bought a new pair of clowns since my occelaris pair died :nope: One was from ich I think and the other looked like it was velvet. Either way the diseases each one had progressed very fast and were dead within a day or two at most after it being visible on their bodies...
  10. ivy2dw7

    Occelaris with no mate

    I had a pair of occelaris clowns in my 37g with a royal gramma (newish tank) and one of the clowns died from ich :mad: so my question is, will the remaining clown be fine on his own or should I get another occelaris for him? He was the bigger of the two, so I'm assuming that if it is possible...
  11. ivy2dw7

    ich gone?

    I had ich in my tank, at least I'm pretty sure I did and I had one of my clowns die from it. I had been waiting for my quarantine tank to cycle before I could put the remaining fish in there but now it looks like the ich is gone. I don't see any white spots on either of them. Can this happen...
  12. ivy2dw7

    Goin on a cruise

    I figured this would be a good place to talk about this. My mom is wanting to take a family vacation (first ever) at the beginning of the summer since I'll be graduating high school and my brother will be graduating from college a week later. I was wondering if anyone has any experiences on...
  13. ivy2dw7

    Levels won't Drop

    I'm trying to cycle a quarantine tank, need to treat ich for the two of my remaining fish. Just lost one yesterday to ich, lost another one over the weekend to a stone crab (fed him to a trigger at the lfs). Anyways, it's been cycling for a week and the levels will not drop. Ammonia has...
  14. ivy2dw7

    2nd powerhead

    I just bought my 2nd powerhead, I'm sick of the cyano on side of my tank. Anyways, I got side-tracked and COMPLETELY forgot to buy a sponge to cover the intake with. Is it safe to have it on w/out the sponge over the intake until I go back tomorrow and buy one or should I just wait until I buy...
  15. ivy2dw7

    Help!!! My Angel!

    Something happened to my Eibli!! I got her last Saturday and everything has been fine, I found her just now at the back of my tank laying on her side on the sand breathing very hard. I got her out and put her in a bowl of the tank water. She cannot swim right at all, she just tried swimming...
  16. ivy2dw7

    ricordea and peppermint shrimp

    I just added 2 ricordea polyps to my tank and one of my peppermint shrimp will not leave them alone. Is he just inspecting them or is he trying to hurt them? At this moment as I type he is lifting one of the polyps up.. I don't want him to knock it over or tear it.. What is he doing?
  17. ivy2dw7

    3.5wpg, what to do

    I have a 24" Coralife 65w 10,000k daylight, 65w true actinic 03 PC light over my 37g . The wpg is 3.5. I've been told I can get LPS and softies, but I'd like to know what people in this forum suggest with this lighting. I cannot afford to switch to MH lighting, so I am stuck with what I have...
  18. ivy2dw7


    I'm pretty sure my occelaris clown has lymph. He has this big caulifower fuzz ball above his left fin. It's been there for about a week and has grown a small amount. I have one other clown and a royal gramma in the main tank with him along with 2 cleaner shrimps, 2 peppermints, about 15...
  19. ivy2dw7

    cleaner shrimp won't clean!

    I have 2 skunk cleaners, 2 peppermints, 15 snails, 8 hermits, 1 unknown crab from LR (hopefully only one), 2 occelaris clowns and 1 royal gramma. I think my fish have a very very slight case of ich, I processed a bunch of different foods today w/tons of garlic, and have started feeding them...
  20. ivy2dw7

    crab ID

    I was looking in my tank for any unusual critters because I seem to find more and more every night with just the blue actinic lights on, and I found a CRAB!!! It scared the crap out of me to say the least because I just saw some legs at first and had no idea what it could be. It's body is...