Search results

  1. ivy2dw7

    stocking clean up crew for 37g

    I currently have 1 mexican turbo snail (I believe), and 2 blue leg hermits. I don't want any more blue legs so I'm going to go with the scarletts for the rest of the hermits and maybe get a few more mexican turbos and some other kind of snail, I think I have a baby cerith that hitchhiked on the...
  2. ivy2dw7

    what's on my LR?

    I bought 2 pieces of uncured live rock to cylce my tank a week ago and I scrubbed off what looked like dead spots and left the "live" spots alone. Now the live spots are starting to grow, one looks like and orange spongey material, looks like i have some brownish branch starting to grow in 2...
  3. ivy2dw7

    brown algae??

    There are suddenly these brown spots all over my sand bed (live sand). I have 15-20 pounds of liverock in there right now, 1 snail, 2 small hermit crabs, the tank has been running for a week or so now, cycling since this past friday. Is this brown algae??? I have no idea what's causing it but...
  4. ivy2dw7

    what kind of tang?

    I want to have one tang in my reef tank and I can't really decide which would be best. I wanted to go with a yellow tang, but I'd kind of like to have a blue fish in the tank. I'm planning on getting a royal gramma, 2 percula clowns, some tang, and either a domino or 3 stripe damsel. I just...
  5. ivy2dw7

    when will levels drop?

    My tank is currently cycling, and I'm just wondering, from your experience, at what levels did the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates begin to drop? My pH is fine, has been from the beginning. My ammonia is around 2-4ppm, nitrites in the 2-5.0 range and nitrates at 20. It's been cycling for a few...
  6. ivy2dw7

    PC lights

    What is considered a "strong" PC light? I have a 24" Coralife Lunar Aqualight. 1 65w 10k daylight, 1 65w actinic, 2 lunar LEDs. What types of anenome and coral can I get with this type of light?
  7. ivy2dw7

    When to test?

    When should I start testing my ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels? I put the live rock in yesterday, put in a piece of frozen cichlid food (raw meat) in this morning. I'm still trying to adjust the skimmer, I have no idea what's going on with it. I'm not sure if it's doing what it's...
  8. ivy2dw7

    what kind of light is this?

    I just bought a 24" Coralife Deluxe Double Lunar Aqualight for my 37g. It has 2 65w 10,000k daylight compact fluorescent lamps, 2 65w true actinic 03 blue compact fluorescent lamps and 2 lunar blue moon glow LED lamps. Am I supposed to use the actinic and daylight at the same time? Or how...
  9. ivy2dw7

    adding live sand

    I'll be getting my skimmer tomorrow and setting it up. Should I just wait until then to add the live sand or could I go ahead and add it tonight and let it settle until I buy the skimmer tomorrow? And when I add the sand, I'm going to try to just lower the bag into the water and cut it open in...
  10. ivy2dw7

    sand sifters

    What are some really good sand sifters? I'm trying to make a list of what to put in my tank once its cycled.
  11. ivy2dw7

    when to test

    Should I test my water before I put the live sand and live rock in or put the live sand/rock in and then test it to make sure it's safe to start adding the cleanup crew and some fish?
  12. ivy2dw7

    too much current?

    Is it possible to have too much of a current? I don't see any whirlpool action but I'm just curious. I have a 37g cubic tank (24x18x21") and a Millenium 3000 and Penguin 660 running. Haven't bought a skimmer yet, nothing in the tank but crushed coral and water. Any thoughts?
  13. ivy2dw7

    sponge on powerhead

    Should I keep the sponge on my powerheard intake while I'm mixing the salt into the tank or take it off? And also, do I even need the sponge on the powerhead? It's going to be a reef tank, 37g. And one other thing: Is it possible to have too much of a current in the tank?
  14. ivy2dw7

    explanation please!!

    I just set up my 37g soon to be SW reef tank. I haven't mixed the salt yet, I'm letting all of the chlorine in the water evaporate first. But anyways, I have a Millenium 3000 filter and a Pengiun 660 powerheard running on this tank, and I'm assuming that I still need to get a protein skimmer...
  15. ivy2dw7

    Prism Deluxe Skimmer

    What are your thoughts on this protein skimmer? My lfs has a couple in right now, pretty good price, definitely tons better than spending more on a seaclone. I'd be using it on a 37g reef tank.
  16. ivy2dw7

    how much live rock?

    How many pounds of live rock do you think I should use in my 37g cubic tank? I think it's 24"x18"x21" and I don't want to fill the entire thing up so that there is no open room for the fish. And also any comments on what live rock is better if any is better? I think my choices are carribean...
  17. ivy2dw7

    what to do with 37g?

    There is currently a beautiful 37g glass cube aquarium at the fish store with a glass top (plenty of room for lights) and I really would like to purchase it and turn it into a reef tank. I am new to saltwater tanks, but I own 2 freswhater so I'm not a complete newbie. I know that the shape of...
  18. ivy2dw7

    possible idea for tank?

    I'm not much of a marine expert, but I could spend an hour easily lecturing about freshwater cichlids. I have the chance of purchasing a 55g tank (48"x13"x20something") and I'm trying to come up with different setups I could do with it. My main questions are: is a 55g big enough to have...
  19. ivy2dw7

    10g nano?

    Now that I've been researching all day on saltwater aquariums, I'm leaning towards a 10-12g aquarium. I have to keep it small so it will fit in my dorm room. I'm thinking a royal gramma, perc clownfish, a 4 stripe damsel since they seem to be less agressive than the 3 stripe, and most likely a...
  20. ivy2dw7

    new to saltwater!

    Hi, I'm wanting to put together a saltwater tank to have in my dorm and I'd like some help on deciding what fish, corals, inverts go best with each other. I am a huge fan of Finding Nemo and really want to have an aquarium with those fish and inverts in it but I'm not sure if they could all...