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  1. swlover

    flame scallop question

    Hi, I have had a flame scallop for about 2 months, he has stayed in the corned by the filter since I got him. Yesterday I noticed he moved and what was left behind is wierd..these little white tad pole looking things attached to the glass, maybe less than a half an inch long, pure white and they...
  2. swlover

    Trip to Ripley's Aquarium

    Here are some pics I took while at the Ripley's Aquarium in Gatlinburg. My daughter's 6th grade field was pretty neat..99% of the corals, rock, sponges, plants, etc are fake. They only have one tank that have live coral and plants.
  3. swlover

    food for anemone, flower & Condy

    Hi I need some help with my condy and flower/rock anemone. I can't get them to accept food. I have brine shrimp (frozen) & formula one (frozen) anything else I can try? I have a curley Q which loves both and is doing great on those foods. Also my flower wouldn't attach to sand and keeps moving...
  4. swlover

    Fish that don't hide!

    Hey guys I would like an opinion on what fish (besides clowns, I already have them in one tank) are good "friendly" fish..that actually like to swim around and NOT hide. I have 3 has a pair of clowns, 1 has a royal gramma..this is the one who hides's very...
  5. swlover

    Featherduster out of his tube???

    Hello, 2 weeks ago I got a couple of feather dusters. When I put them in the tank, the one purple one did great-it attched his self to the rock and has been fine..the other one I stuck in the sand bed and after a couple of days he looked kind of bad so I placed him on the rock with the other...
  6. swlover

    Little clowns won't eat....

    Hello I got some new little tank raised O. clowns, they are vigorous little guys and seem like they want to eat but they just spit it back out, I have tried: formula one and formula two frozen. They are about 3/4" long, I have had them about 1 week, tests are good on water, have done water...
  7. swlover

    ID needed for this thing??

    Hi all I have this rubbery like thing on my live rock, it dosen't move, but it's getting bigger-it's not hairy-it's smooth well like rubber. It's gray in appearence, is this a bad thing or good thing anybody know what it could be? I also have red splotches all over the rock-they go to a point on...
  8. swlover

    How often do shrimp molt?

    Hey everybody this is really a two part question, 2 peppermint shrimp have molted in one tank-I thought for a second they had died-I see this clear body-all intact floating by, with antenna and all! I was amazed-anyway how often do they do this and should I remove the shell? And I have 2 fan...
  9. swlover

    I can't seem to find an answer...

    Ok I have a standard 10 gal tank hood on a 15 & 25 gal tall tanks, where do I find some 18" bulbs with a higher wattage to grow corals (and what wattage is recommended)-these only have the 2 pins-not 4. I have found a coral sun actinic, but it dosen't say if it has 2 pins or not and it says 420...
  10. swlover

    What lighting should I use?

    Ok I ditched the standard light the tank came with and asked the LFS what light would be best for LR, corals and inverts in a 25 gal tank. They gave me a 15 watt, marine glo, it's blue. Is this enough light to sustain some beginer corals & inverts? I'm thinking the wattage needs to be higher...
  11. swlover

    Lime stone..can it be used?

    Hi been reading on Lime stone, why can't it be added to fish tanks for cal & mag? Like live rock it has it's benefits, anyone see a reason it can't be used in small doses? This is what I found: LIME STONE : It is a general term embracing carbonate rocks or fossils; it is composed primarily of...
  12. swlover

    Mangroves Vs P. skimmers

    Hi I'm trying to set up and maintain a more natural tank. I have done alot of reading while my tanks are cycling..really nothing else to do..and I keep reading about mangroves being better than p. skimmers, and of coarse they look better, the only drawback I could find on this subject is to keep...
  13. swlover

    Silicone turning PINK???

    Hey what does it mean when the silicone in the tank turns pink? I'm thinking it is some kind of this good or bad? Thanks
  14. swlover

    Is this what I think it is???

    Ok you all I need help iding this thing...yesterday my tank finally cleared after adding the rock and sand I noticed something....this spongy thing went floating by..and I said to myself that looks like a cigarette butt! See photo. Tell me this is some stange plant or animal ...PLEASE! I know...
  15. swlover

    Heater got turned down

    Hey I just have the LR and sand in my QT and the heater got turned down-I think it might have been me messing with the hood :9( last night...any way it was down to this going to hurt the rock?? Geeze I hope not, I have my other tank cycling now..and I would hate it if the rock is now...
  16. swlover

    substrate & rock

    Hey guys and gals I have a question about substrate...I got the tank all set up, been running now since last night, added crushed when should I add my live sand? I have the live rock in quarentine tank-(I read you should do this with roock- like fish) Should I go ahead and do the sand...
  17. swlover

    What fish see...

    I got a new program and I've been playing with it...can you imagine what they must think peering out at that?
  18. swlover

    Don't it make you mad when people LIE

    Hey I answered an add in the paper-25 gal tank w/stand and all accessories 50 bucks. I called talked to the lady, asked her if it leaked blah blah blah. She said oh no I have fish in it dosen't leak. So we went out-she had it all broke down-it was a little dark in there but the fish were right...
  19. swlover

    adding avatar pic?

    Hello I'm having a hard time adding an avatar pic..I keeps saying it's too big even though I have it down to 25 X 20 pixels...whats the secret? Thanks :notsure:
  20. swlover

    Brand new

    hello I'm new and I want to get one of these smaller sw tanks..I have room for a 15 high. I have been keeping FW for years and have decided to take a step up. I hope you all can help me set up..the last forum (not mentioning any names LOL) where so frustrating to talk to cause I want a smaller...