just curious if I can keep any anenomes or corals with my aggressive set-up (trigger/puffer/eel) Possibly looking into gorgonians, sponges, or anenomes. with the fish destroy these or what?
I am looking for lighting for my new tank. it is 72" long and 30" deep. I dont want to spend a ton on lighting since it is just rock and fish.. any good suggestions for lighting???
I have a 300 gallon that will be used primarly as an aggressive set-up. The stocking list includes a puffer, trigger, eel, emporer angel, 3 heniochus butterflies. I am looking for a way to aquascape it without paying an arm and leg for a ton of live rock. Someone suggested using pvc pipe as...
I am in the process of setting up and stocking my 300 gallon aggressive tank. I will be using about a 2" or 3" southdown sand base. I am looking for inexpensive uncluttered aquascaping suggestions. Filling it with Live rock will get too expensive but I am not against just putting some live...
I am thinking of adding a golden grouper like the one that this site sells to my tank, but I am wandering how big they get. I believe in the wild they grow over 3 feet and 30 lbs?!?!? If I buy a 8" one I would assume it would outgrow my 300 gallon in a year or so. Anyone know how big these...
I am going to be stocking a 300 gallon aggressive set-up. The tank is in my game room which is "Pittsburgh Steeler" themed so everything is black and gold, as will be the fish. Here is the stocking list I am looking into at the moment. Any suggestions or comments are welcome, anyone forsee...
I am in the process of building a 300 gallon tank into a new wall in my game room. I would like to see some of your aggressive set-ups and please include the size of the tank and the stocking list. Thanks!
I purchased a new home that has an unfinished basement. One end of the basement is the washer/ dryer/ sink area so I plan to build a wall in front of that and build the aquarium into that wall. Anyone have suggestions for how to fram the wall? Should i but the fron of the tank up against the...
For sale :
48" retrofit metal halid unit with 2 175 watt metal halide 10K bulbs and 2 40 watt actinic pc lights. There is also a place for a fan on it. Only 2 months old, used for just 1 month. Asking $400 which includes shipping.
Ro/di unit with instructions, 1 year old.. only used twice...
For sale - 55 gallon tank, black wooden stand, glass top, 40 lbs of crushed coral, 4 large decorative corals, heater, hermits and damsels for $150. also some other accessories.
email me at perchpsk@aol.com
I'm looking to add a new coral or two in the next week. I wanted to get some feedback/experiences on them before I purchase. here are the options:
Purple Alveopora
pearl coral
Devils Hand
Sarcophyton Umbrella Leather
I've heard the alveopora are like gonipora and difficult to keep, but not as...
I am trying to add 2 new black percs and with my old regular percs. The old perc are a bit bigger and have taken host to a large anenome which they never stray far from. I tried adding the new percs and they were immediately attacked by the old guys. I removed the old guys and am considering...
For sale $125 plus Shipping.
JBJ Venice JD1 model. The lights are 2 55w blue actinic and 2 55 watt white 10k combo bulbs. Lights ARE about 5 months old.
110 watts of lighting, I paid $250 for them, Im asking $125 o.b.o. plus shipping.
here is a link to look at the set up...
There was a post a while back about an orange colored ch chip star, cant remember whose it was... anyway here is a pic of my orange ch chip along with my red general
Everything ive read on pistol shrimp said they are peaceful toward other tankmates but recently there have been numerous empty hermit and snail shells outside my pistols cave. I hear him make loud snaps when they walk bye, any idea if he is killing off my inverts? any one else have experiences???
I found a mantis shrimp poking his head out of my rock covered with green star polyps. I am looking for the best means to get him out of there without hurting the star polyps.
I have removed the rock from the tank and put it in my sump. I put a piece of scallop underneath the hole where he is...