Search results

  1. perchpsk

    Aiptasia in a sump

    I have a ton of Aiptasia growing on some rubble rock in my sump. It has multiplied quickly in there. I dont think that it can find a way to the main tank, so are their any negatives of having it in there? Or does it do anything positive like filter feed in the sump?
  2. perchpsk

    Green dust cloud coming from liverock

    I have noticed about 10 times or so in the last week what looks like a green cloud of smoke shooting out of a hole in my live rock. I looked in the hole and cant see any critters in there. I have no idea what may be causing it. Anyone have an idea or similar experience???
  3. perchpsk

    slug/snail/critter ID needed

    I saw this little guy this morning. looks just like a snail without a shell, its about 1/2" and brown and has a mouth like a snail but it moves like 10x faster than any snail i have seen. any idea what it may be? good or bad?
  4. perchpsk

    bristleworms in a fuge

    I caught and removed a large (12") bristleworm from my tank a few months back, and kept it in a bucket for a few week. I recently put it in my fuge because they are supposedly beneficial to the tank. Good idea, or bad idea? do you think it will reproduce and populate the main tank with more...
  5. perchpsk

    purple nudibranch longevity

    Anyone had success keeping purple nudibranches? I had one that lasted only a week, and my newest one is going on a month.. my lettuce nudibranch is going on 3 months... what experiences have the rest of you had with these???
  6. perchpsk


    just curious as to anyones experience with jelly fish. They have a really nice looking one at a lfs here. The only advice I have heard was to have a reef ready tank with no exposed powerheads or they will get sucked up in to it, and they may kill small fish. any other experiences or longevity...
  7. perchpsk

    branching hammer corals questions?

    A friend offered me his branching hammer coral because his tank is becoming overcrowded. Anyway, i dont know much about them as far as feeding / lighting requirements. I have a 55 gallon reef with 400 watt VHO lighting. All water specs are good and the tank is healthy and been up for a year...
  8. perchpsk

    75 g bowfront, all accessories for sale - Seattle

    I have a 75 gallon bowfront, with black stand and hood, jbj lighting and actinic strip lighting, 75# of live rock, sump - heater - powerheads, 3" DSB, large ch. chip starfish, 3 large hermits, hippo tang, yellow tang, fish food all for sale. I'm asking $800 o.b.o. for it all. I will help move...
  9. perchpsk

    VHO Lighting + odds and ends for sale / seattle, wa

    I have some odds and ends for sale : 1.) 4X95w VHO which includes Ballast endcaps wiring harness and 2Super Actinic Bulbs and 2 Actinic White Bulbs. The bulbs are only 2 months old $160 o.b.o 2.) dead coral, 5 large pieces 3.) millennium 3000 filter (best offer) 4.) Penguin biowheel...
  10. perchpsk

    Is this a bristleworm?

    Just set up the new tank i bought... I found a surprise in the live rock.. i think its a bristleworm but im not sure.. Its about 1/2" wide and about 8" long.. heres a pic.. let me know what i should do with it
  11. perchpsk

    Is this a good deal?

    I am buying this 135 gallon reef ready setup with sump, hood, vho lighting etc.. and live sand for $625. Is this a decent deal? Good deal, bad deal... what do u think? Should I do it or not?
  12. perchpsk

    I need lighting

    I am needing a lighting upgrade.. does anyone have anything for sale... looking for at least 250 watts up to 400, vho / metal halides whatever... Im in Western WA, but i'll pay shipping for the right deal!
  13. perchpsk

    added DSB to established tank, how to fix cloudy water?

    I have a 55 that is up and running with live rock and a few fish... I removed the cc substrate in favor of a dsb. i used a tube to put the sand on the bottom but it still made a cloudy mess.. how can i get rid of this? should i turn my filtration / sump / powerheads off or leave em on??? any...
  14. perchpsk

    copper recovery / recharge tank

    Well here's the story. About a year ago I was new to the hobby and had a 55 gallon beginner reef with live rock, mushroom rock, tons of copenpods, brittle stars, snails, linkia and ch chip stars and a generally healthy aquarium. I had a sick fish and the lfs told me to dose the aquarium with...
  15. perchpsk

    75 gallon setup Seattle, WA

    75 gallon bowfront, black wood stand, jbj lighting 100# live rock, heater, full filtration system, purple tang, yellow tang, powder blue tang, hippo tang, tomato clownfish, flame angel, extra large hermit, snails.... Seattle WA area $1200 or best offer, will help with the move.
  16. perchpsk

    OT : other hobbies

    Obviously everyone here is in the saltwater hobby... just curious as to what else everyone is in to: personally I love basketball (played in college) i golf (10 handicap) and do quite a bit of trout fishing.. looking forward to earing some responses
  17. perchpsk

    75 gallo agg setup + lr and fish Seattle WA

    looking to sell and extra setup i have with 75 gallon setup wet/dry 2 flourescent lites 100# lr also several fish yellow tang blue hippo tang panther grouper lionfish picasso trigger porqupine clown niger trigger email me and we can discuss a price will sell seperate or whole
  18. perchpsk

    update on Clown Trigger with clouded eye

    Well, i took the advice of the board and set up a 10 gallon QT. i used 1/2 tank water and 1/2 new water. i upped the temp to about 82 degrees and lowered the salinity to 1.10 I am dosing the QT furazone green and tetracycline. the trigger has been a bit more active and i have gotten him to...
  19. perchpsk

    Trigger with clouded eyes and not moving

    My clown trigger has not moved in the past 2 - 3 days. at first he had white spots which i assumed to be ich. i dosed him with quick ich and it seemed to work except he has not moved or eaten in several days. everything checks out ok as far as the water goes, so i'm not sure of what the...
  20. perchpsk

    clowntrigger not looking good, need help quick

    My clown trigger was doing fine all week, this morning he looked sluggish and didnt eat, when i came home from work he was lying on his side barely moving and not eating. i took a closer look and it looks like it may have ick. all the water parameters check out ok, but his condition seems to...