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  1. mr.clownfish

    finally got a few picks! ID weird worm.

    ive had this worm in my tank for about a year now and its really been bugging me, idk if its reef safe... its pretty long i would say about 7ins but its very thin. it looks like a long brownish bluish bristles worm with long black and white striped antennas. its kinda pretty. sorry for the bad...
  2. mr.clownfish

    there is nothing more annoying than ick!

    this morning, fed my fish and went to school, everything looked normal. i come back from school and do a monthly water change and right after i notice my fish are all literally COVERED in white dots. ive had ick before, but this is insane, the worst case i have ever seen. it was a sudden break...
  3. mr.clownfish

    ID starfish.

    got it for 10 bucks. forgot to ask if it was reef safe O_o.
  4. mr.clownfish

    anemone and water.

    would an anemone survive in uncycled store bought water?
  5. mr.clownfish

    carpet anemone moved (pic)

    my carpet moved up to the front of my tank. just wanna share this pic.
  6. mr.clownfish

    flower pot coral. -__-

    im an idiot. i bought a yellow flower pot coral for 50 bucks. i totally forgot that they always die. there was a mushroom rock of over 30+ mushrooms for like 45 and i took the flower pot . im gonna cry, i should have gone with the mushrooms. the flowerpot coral has that disgusting brown jelly...
  7. mr.clownfish

    MHs? or LEDs?

    im going to purchase a 180gal soon and my main coral is going to be SPS and LPS coral along with some Softies, and i was wondering if i should get metal halides or LEDs. i know that 180gals come in 2 common dimensions im not sure what the dimensions are but its the longer one of the two. im...
  8. mr.clownfish

    ugly algae ID

    this very ugly algae started to grow and take over my sand bed after i moved around my rocks. how can i get rid of it? and what is it?
  9. mr.clownfish


    its actually minty neon green, my camera is horrible. ITS SOOOOO STICKY!! it didnt want to let go of my hand, some of its tentacles came off, they where stuck to my hand. my hand is kinda itchy now so is my face.... i hope i dont die. lol
  10. mr.clownfish

    my new pair of clown fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OMG I LOVE THEM SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! the moment i saw them i HAD to have them. this makes my 3rd clownfish pair. -__- a little too much clownfish, im really obsessed with clowns. i think its a new disease called clownfishitis. idk
  11. mr.clownfish

    omg why!!

    why do some fish attack their reflections in the glass? First it was my six line, now my kole tang is doing it. the kole tang is really body slamming himself into the glass, hes getting circular wounds all over his face. its so depressing and sad to watch. how can i stop it?
  12. mr.clownfish

    Leather Id

    ive had this very nice white leather for a while now and i dont know what kind it is.
  13. mr.clownfish

    post a pic of your favorite LPS coral. =]

    here is a pic of my favorite coral ever! its my HUGE hammer coral.
  14. mr.clownfish

    i want to share my new six line wrasse

    i got a pic of him attacking his reflection. LOL
  15. mr.clownfish

    zoanthid ID

    sorry this is the best pic i can get. they neon orange streaks on them and they have purple mouths.
  16. mr.clownfish

    lettues nudibranch

    i just bought a lettues nudi and after drip acclimating it for about an hour, i put him in the tank and it hasnt moved at all for about 4 hours now. is that normal? my nitrate is at 20ppm nitrite is 0. PH is 7.9. temp is 78-79.
  17. mr.clownfish

    does anyone have a facebook?

    if u have a face book can u add me? send me ur name through the private message thing.
  18. mr.clownfish


    i was rearranging my rocks and i accidentally dropped one on my kole tang. it got a round wound on its side and lots of little scratches on the other side. he was leaning against some rocks in the back of the tank but he started to swim around a little later on. do u think is going to be ok?
  19. mr.clownfish

    six line

    i bought one for 20 bucks today. is that a good deal? it was going for 40 cause its was "Hawaiian"... but i asked for the normal price and they said we can do that. it was from *****, thats why they gave it to me for half. it has ick but i can take care of that, i have a copper tank. oh and...
  20. mr.clownfish

    i cant find any info on this fish...

    my LFS has one and im interested in getting it. i dont know anything about filefish. i dont even know the name. i can find any info on this fish. are they reef safe? what do they eat?