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  1. meemmoo

    Anyone want him?

    The Mantis Shrimp That fell out of my LR is still alive. Anyone want him before I dispose of him? I am in the Massachusetts area. If you want me to ship it you have to cover costs or perhaps we could work out a trade. If you want a pic of it look up the thread I posted titled "Mantis Shrimp".
  2. meemmoo

    Mantis Shrimp?

    Can anyone identify this?
  3. meemmoo

    Live Rock ?

    I finally got my tank going and I just put in the live rock the other night before bed cause I wanted to get it in the water. Went to bed. My question is I don't have much room in my tank to aquascape can I take some of the LR out for a bit to move some pieces around? I did not think it would be...
  4. meemmoo

    Live Rock?

    How important is it to get live rock on your tank if it is shipped. I found a deal, but it may take up to 5 days to get it cause I live on the east coast. Will that kill the rock. This is for a new tank setup.
  5. meemmoo

    Ideas For Water Changes

    I wanted to get some ideas on how people do water changes. I know it sounds easy, but I am sure everyone has a method and I would hate to have water slosh all over my floor by hooking something up wrong. If I am correct most do a 10% water change, but how often? Have not yet finished cycling so...
  6. meemmoo

    Is my LFS Correct?

    I just got back from my LFS that is strictly a SWA dealer and I was getting things for my new 50g tank. She said I did not need a filter cause the LR and LS act as a filter. Just about everyone in this forum I believe has some sort of filter or sump. Am I just confused or is she wrong?
  7. meemmoo

    Is it ok to top off with Distilled Water?

    I am a bit confused, is it ok to top off with distilled water vs. RO and do you need to do something special to it before adding it to your tank? Sorry the more I read the more ?'s I have.
  8. meemmoo

    Are Fish Territorial?

    This may sound like a dumb question, but since I am a newbie I want to cover all the basics. I am going to be setting up a reef Tank and wanted opinions on what fish to add first. Do you wait to add the more aggressive fish last letting the more docile fish build up a territory or does it not...
  9. meemmoo

    New setup please help!

    I want to setup my 30g SWA. The information is overwhelming and I have read some books on it as well as the treads on this forum. Can anyone help me get started. I want a Reef tank for beginners. Some LR and LS, but how much also a clownfish to start. What kind of lighting and filtration? I have...
  10. meemmoo

    R/O Filter deciding to buy

    I am a newbie and am considering buying a R/O Filter since I am having trouble finding a LFS that sells it. There is one a ways away and they want $1.25/g. That seem's like alot since I read other people only pay about .50/g. I saw an AquaSafe system on ---- that looked decent. Does anyone know...