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  1. meemmoo

    Protein Skimmer giving off microbubbles

    My Aqua C Remora protein skimmer has been giving off microbubbles for at least a month now. I even tried to put a piece of sponge in it and it just stops skimming. Any ideas what I am doing wrong.
  2. meemmoo

    Orbit Power Compact- Quite new

    New used few weeks old in box 30" Compact Florescent Light 2x65W (1) 65w Dual Daylight and (1) 65w Dual Actinic + 2 Moonlights with built in fan. $150
  3. meemmoo

    Is it dead?

    I got this sand from a guys tank that he took down over a week ago. I did not have a heater nor a PH running. So is all that live sand now dead and can I rinse it and put it in my tank as a base and add some Live sand on top to seed it?
  4. meemmoo

    Coral tests?

    I just got 3 types og coral frags and was wondering what tests I need to buy to test the water. I've got the standard 4 tests. PH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate. Also do I need to test my water for Iodine if I have a cleaner shrimp?
  5. meemmoo

    Foam, why?

    I have some white bubbly foam around the top of my tank. I have the Aqua C Remora protein skimmer and thought it should take care of that. It worked great for a month and lately I have seen more bubbles around the top of my tank. I did my tests and everything looks fine. Any ideas?
  6. meemmoo

    Algae Question

    I have been running just the Aqua C Remora protein skimmer on my 55g for the past 2 months and everything is fine. The one complaint is that the sides of my tank get covered in algae every other day. Would it help to add a bio-wheel filter to improve water clarity and reduce the algea. I have a...
  7. meemmoo

    Anyone use Holdfast Epoxy?

    Anyone ever use Holdfast Epoxy by Marineland? I have to attach a frag to my LR and am nervous about this stuff. Want some reassurance it's ok.
  8. meemmoo

    Food Source?

    Where can I get live brine and live worms?
  9. meemmoo

    Lighting for a refugium

    How much lighting is needed for a refugium?
  10. meemmoo

    Question about water change

    I am getting a shipment tomorrow of livestock and all my readings are fine. How long after I get my new pals should I wait before I do a water change.
  11. meemmoo

    Metal Halides?

    I have a 55g column tank and want to get the right lights for soft and hard corals. How much Watt should I get? I am looking at the Coralife Aqualight Pro/Aqualight Advanced HQI 24'' cause I want the moonlights and that is the only one I see that had moons and actinics and halides in one. Any...
  12. meemmoo

    Current USA Orbit Compact Fluorescent Light

    I just purchased a Current USA Orbit Compact Fluorescent Light 30" 2x65w with moonlights for my tank. I did not realize my tank is too tall and that is not enough light for my corals. I paid $160 and it's brand new, I even have the box it was shipped in. So I'm asking $160.00 + shipping.
  13. meemmoo

    Can you identify?

    This is the biggest and there are two more little one's.
  14. meemmoo


    What eats or kills it?
  15. meemmoo

    Tank cycled, how long til I can add Coral

    My tank has been cycled for a few weeks now, how long before I can add Coral? I want to get some mushrooms 1st.
  16. meemmoo

    Identify Pic Please.

    I have seen these things pop up in the last few days. Anyone know what they are. I thought they were a featherduster, but they are very very small like 1/4".
  17. meemmoo

    Tank Cycled and I'm Confused

    I have a 55g tank. 50lbs LR and 5 lbs LS on top of 45lb Aragonite. I have not seen an Ammonia Spike let alone any ammonia however for the first two days I did the Salifert test wrong and misread that I was supposed to add 1.0ml of the NH3 reagent and I only added .1ml. Yeah I know I was...
  18. meemmoo

    What's your tank supposed to look like while it is cycling?

    I know we have talked about the specific water tests we should do to see if our tank is cycling, but what does a cycling tank look like. I ask this cause mine looks gross. I am getting these white spots on my LR, and the purple algae is not looking as good as it did on day 1. Not to mention the...
  19. meemmoo

    Anyone interested in a Mantis Shrimp?

    One fell out of my LR and I put it in a container. I know some people like these little buggers. I am in Southern MA.
  20. meemmoo


    I'm day 3 into cycling my tank and I have already gotten a mantis shrimp out of my tank. This morning I placed my store brought shimp to kick off my cycle and tonight after I put the moonlights on I noticed all these critters chomping on the shrimp. Could they be baby Mantis'? I feel so paranoid...