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  1. meemmoo

    $15 SPS, Paly Frags

    Here is the next set of frags I will have if anyone wants to add them to the other thread and combine shipping. Tricolor Seneca Acro Blue tip stag acro Lavender tip acro Bright Yellow Mille speckled palythoas 6polyps they get big
  2. meemmoo

    $10 Coral Frags SPS, LPS

    I have decided to downsize all my SPS getting a new puppy=less time and want to take my tank in a different direction. Here is a good chance to get some beginner SPS at a cheap price. I have had these corals for over 3 years and I believe them to be quit hardy. PM for bigger pieces as I can do...
  3. meemmoo

    Looking to trade Coral for *****/Petsmart gift card

    I am looking for someone who might want to trade some corals for a ***** or Petsmart gift card. PM for link of corals I have to trade. Hope this is not again forum rules.
  4. meemmoo

    SPS Frag Packs 5 corals $75

    I will have 3 frag packs available at $75 + shipping each pack will have 5 frags 1" or larger. I will ship USPS, UPS or Fed Ex overnight. USPS Express runs ~$25 and is cheapest. All frags will be double bagged and shipped in styrolined box with heat pack if needed. I have lots of experience...
  5. meemmoo

    SPS,LPS, Zoa Corals FS-Micro, Acan etc.

    I have the following frags available for shipping next week to finish clearing off my racks so I can change my rock. I will be shipping USPS, UPS or Fed Ex whichever you prefer. Only overnight shipping will be gauranteed and must be notified 3 hours after arrival of package of DOA's. All corals...
  6. meemmoo

    Nice Lg Orange Monti Cap Frag

    I have a nice Orange Monti Cap frag that measures 4"x3" and is very thick. I'm asking $40 for this piece all edges are healed and starting to curl. It came from this colony
  7. meemmoo

    Softie, zoa, LPs Frag Pack 4 for $50

    I have put a lower light frag pack together which includes the following frags. All frags will be shipped in styrolined box with heatpack. Price is $50 + shipping. Frogspawn Green with pink tips 1 head 1 Thick stalk pom-pom Xenia attached to rubble ~2" Pinkish/red palythoas 5 polyps exact...
  8. meemmoo

    Couple more left SPS/LPS

    Starting a new thread of what's left. I have a couple of each of these corals that I fragged to make some room. All frag will be 1" or larger, double bagged and shipped in a styrolined box with a heat pack. Buyer pays shipping only overnight as it's still to cold even for some of these. SPS-...
  9. meemmoo

    Nice! SPS Frag Pack $120 + shipping

    Well I just looked at I need some new MH bulbs so I am making up this frag pack. You will get 1" or more of each of these corals. I will double bag them and ship in a styrolined box with heat pack. Shipping can be either USPS, UPS or Fed Ex overnight need zipcode to give quotes. ORA Tort Peach...
  10. meemmoo

    SPS + LPS Corals

    I have a couple of each of these corals that I fragged to make some room. All frag will be 1" or larger, double bagged and shipped in a styrolined box with a heat pack. Buyer pays shipping only overnight as it's still to cold even for some of these. SPS- Pink Tip Poccilopora $20 Ultimate Frags...
  11. meemmoo

    LPS CoRaLs-Acan, Micro,Frogspawn etc. + Few SPS

    I have one frag of each available. I will be shipping USPS Overnight, UPS or Fed Ex whichever you prefer. All corals will be double bagged and shipped in a styrolined box with heat pack. LPS Pink/Purple with Green eye micromussa 3 polyps $35 Teal Micromussa 2-3 polyps $30 Green Star Polyps 1"...
  12. meemmoo

    Lg Orange Monti cap + Idaho Grape cap frags

    I have a Lg Orange Monti cap frag from my huge colony that broke off it measures 4"x3" asking $50 also have 1" pieces for $10 Idaho Grape Cap is 1 1/4" x 1" $25
  13. meemmoo

    Cheap SPS frag pack FS $35 for 4 corals

    After moving some corals in my oh so clumpsyness style I now have 2-3 packs of SPS available 4 frags for $35. Each frag will be 3/4"-1" as they are pieces that broke off the tips and I glued to frag plugs all but the caps. All of these corals have been in my system for 3 years and monti's are...
  14. meemmoo

    SPS Corals

    I have a couple SPS that needed to get trimmed and have been on my frag rack for a week so they are all healed and ready to go. I will be shipping either USPS/UPS/ or Fed Ex Overnight only this time of year with heat pack. All corals will be double bagged and shipped in a styrolined box. Buyer...
  15. meemmoo

    Zoa/Paly Frag Pack FS

    I have one of these zoa/paly frags packs I have had made up for a couple weeks and they look like they are ready to go. Asking $125 + Shipping. Shipping can be either USPS/UPS or Fed Ex Overnight. I threw the names up of the ones I know. Not really into naming, but thought someone else might...
  16. meemmoo

    SPS CoRaLs-Acro's, Monti's

    I have some corals forsale that I still want to thin out before I can rearrange my tank. All corals will be ~1". I will only ship multiple corals this time of the year please no shipping on individual corals. All shipped corals will be double bagged and shipped in a styrolined box with heat...
  17. meemmoo

    Xenia, Tree coral, GSP and Monti Frag pack

    I have put together a combo frag pack. It includes a frag of pom-pom xenia, tree coral bright green, green star polyps and a peachish color montipora digi. I have all of these growing under 2x65w power compacts. Sizes range from ~1"+ Asking $50 + shipping your choice of USPS, UPS or Fed Ex. I...
  18. meemmoo

    SPS Frag Pack 4 for $50

    This is a beginner type SPS coral frag pack. All corals have been tank raised. Buyer pays shipping overnight only USPS Express, UPS or Fed Ex whichevers cheapest or you prefer. All corals will be double bagged and shippped in a styrolined box with heat pack. Peach Monti Digi 1" Purple with...
  19. meemmoo

    Mixed Macro Algae + Mini Brittle/Asternia star's pack

    I need to thin out my macro. The pack will consist of a sandwich bag of chaeto, caulerpa and halimeda. Plus a bag of 5 mini brittle starfish/asternias. I will ship priority mail with a heat pack for $25.
  20. meemmoo

    WTT SPS Corals for multi-colored Rics/Yumas

    I have alot of SPS and want to trade a few pieces for some nice multi-colored rics/yumas. If interested send pics to I've got Peach digi, purple tip digi, orange monti cap and bali green slimer frags to trade.