Search results for query: "flame +angel

  1. J

    Flame Angel and Large Angel

    20g is minimum for a juvenile, but it can not live its life in a tank that small. Minimum I say is 55g for the length, 75g for pure size. I personally wouldn't get a flame for a tank that small. If you want an angel, get a flameback or pygmy, although Nox Vidmate VLC I think they are slightly...
  2. jay0705

    75 gallon Stock list

    Butterflies are best in bigger tanks. 125 and up. Especially the 2 you mentioned. The gramma is good, also the 1 spot fox. The cardinals are not a fav of mine. I've never had luck. Neither have a few friends of mine. As far as an angel. The cb will be easier and generally nicer. However few...
  3. M

    75 gallon Stock list

    Hello, I currently have a 40gallon breeder FOWLR tank. I am upgrading to a 75gal tank. My current stock list is 2 percula clowns, 1 watchman, 1 firefish, 1 engineer goby and a nassarius snail. I am looking to potentially add a few more fish and wanted some input. The fish I am looking at are...
  4. W

    75g Stocking Advice

    Even if its coral beauty and bi color? And did you mean I can fit all of that (with either coral beauty, flame angel and bi color?)
  5. W

    75g Stocking Advice

    Hey guys, I am in the works of graduating from a 29g to a 75g FOWLR. I have some stocking ideas but want to see how many fish I can keep in it without being too overstocked. Currently in tank: -2 B&W Clowns -Small anthias species (2.5-3 inches max) -Goby/shrimp pair -Purple firefish -6 cleanup...
  6. L

    where can i sell my fish?

    i was thinking about getting rid of my coral beauty and getting a flame angel but no stores in nyc seem to buy fish from customers. does anybody know any store in nyc that buy fish from customers or anybody that would buy it?
  7. M

    40 Gallon Stock List

    Hi everyone, I also am starting a new tank. I have a 40 gallon breeder. I am trying to figure out my stockiest. I currently have 2 Oscellaris Clownfish, a firefish, a engineer goby. Inverts: 2 turbo snails and a bumblebee snail. I am thinking of getting: -1 bengali cardinal -1 flame angel or...
  8. M

    New 55 gal set-up

    Thank you. My tank has fully cycled, and I have already added my two clowns and firefish. My sand bed is 3-4in and I have a lovely live rock cave for the engineer goby. I do not plan on adding the mandarin for at least 6 more months. I want to add a considerable amount of copepods and set up a...
  9. lmforbis

    New 55 gal set-up

    The stocking is pretty good For after the tank is fully cycled. I’d skip the mandarin for now. You can have both a flame angel and a royal gramma. Add your stock slowly after the cycle is done. You should quarantine each fish for 30 days to prevent disease from getting into your tank, treat...
  10. M

    New 55 gal set-up

    I have just started a 40gal Breeder tank and was looking to stock it with: 2 clownfish (oscellaris) 1 firefish 1 bangaii cardinal 1 flame angel or royal gramma 1 mandarin and maybe 1 yellow watchmen goby Is there also any type of fish that looks like an engineer goby/or eel...
  11. M

    I have fish only saltwater. I also have the fake rock. Which is nice. When aptasia or bristleworms appear I just take the rock out and hose it down to

    I have fish only saltwater. Experienced. Also have fake rock. When aptasia or bristleworms appear I take the rock out and hose it down destroying nothing. I want to clean the very bottom rock That will require moving all the rock around. What effect could this have on my animals. (Clown pair...
  12. lmforbis

    Centropyge Angelfish

    I’ve always loved the potters angel. I have a flame so a potters is out.
  13. Z

    Colorful Fish for 30-40 Gallon Tank (complete noob)

    As a first-timer, I am looking for a colorful fish that’s good for a beginner and suitable for a 30-40 gallon tank. Since the tank is on the small side, I know my options will be fairly limited. I love the Ocellaris clowns, but in these last two days I’m leaning more and more towards the Tomato...
  14. L

    How many fish

    I have a 55g FOWLR that is 3 months old. All parameters are good. I have a Red Hawk, 2 damsels, 2 Nemo clowns ( couldn’t spell the proper name) 2 cleaner shrimp, snails and crabs. I will be putting a Scopus Tang in after quarantine. Am I at my max or can I add more fish? Any suggestions on fish...
  15. A

    New fish keep dying!!

    Hi everyone, I am new to the community but have been on reef2reef before. I have been keeping saltwater fish for just over a year now. My first tank was a 29g, then I got a 55g about 8 months later. Now I'm on a 120g and converted my 55g to a sump (overflow box drains to 2...
  16. lmforbis

    McCoskers flasher wrasse

    That was my thought. It is bigger than any mcCoskers I’ve ever seen close to 3.5 in, longer than my adult flame angel.
  17. lmforbis

    Newbie 24 gallon all-in-one reefer.

    It depends on the fish and their habits. I saw pics of an amazing 40B reef with dwarf lion fish. Problem is you can’t have anything else because they will be eaten. you could do a dwarf angel like a flame. You still can’t do fish that need a lot of space to swim. A 40B is only 3’ long...
  18. F

    55 gallon tank

    With the flame angel i did research and people on Reef2Reef and websites and Youtube videos said they were ok i don't mean this is a mean way but Im probably gonna get a Flame Angel plus i live 5 mins away from LFS and i can switch it out if it is a problem also what type of stocking list would...
  19. F

    55 gallon tank

    what about a flame angel the tank is from when I used to have a freshwater planted and same with the lights since I asked my LFS and it has strong enough lights to grow coral
  20. F

    55 gallon tank

    I said not all i was looking at like a Flame angel clown pair and two wrasses and maybe a file fish i dont want them for aptisha i just like them now online Flame angels and Coral beauties said could be in 55 gallon tanks